Chapter 23

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Namur, Rakuya and Marco were picking the unconscious bodies of their comrades.
Thatch was fighting with Deuce. 
Belheim was fighting with Skull. 
Jozu lost to Cyane. 
Haruta lost to Cyra. 

Izo was fighting with Cyra.
Kingdew was fighting with Cyane. 

Whitebeard vs Ace still going on.  


Sabo ran through the grasses and trees covering in the forest. He had defeated his share of commanders and now the rest can be handled by the Spades and Luffy. He has to say the commanders were difficult to defeat, but none he fought truly used their brains. Kingdew had quick reflexes and a great stamina, but that hadn't made him give up on the guy. It had only made him excited. 

After winning the fight, and taking a little breath, he had rushed to Fossa, who had defeated Aggie 68 already and was a good swordsman. His blade was literally fuming! But his pipe was stronger than his sword. Only due to his respect for a person's choice of weapon, the sword was not broken from his skull crushing hands. 

Sabo just wishes Luffy and the Spades to be safe. The last he saw Luffy, the idiot was trying to punch Blamenco. Seriously, he had told the boy to stay away from strong fighters, but no. He would never listen to him. The presence of Banshee and Kotatsu though helped him to not freak out at that moment. But the most in problem is Ace. He has been fighting Whitebeard for at least since an hour. Sabo clenched his teeth at the thought that it took him so much time to defeat his opponents.

He wishes he could lock onto Ace's presence but Ace had done a right thing by nullifying it. Whitebeard won't be able to predict his attacks if Ace continued to do it. But he knows it that it is damn tiring. He needs to help him.

He reaches the shoreline and hears the clang and cling of the swords meeting each other and the sounds of fists being exchanged but the most relieved he felt when he heard Ace's war cry. Ace was fine. He felt taking a breath which he had been holding onto. The beach was now mostly cleared. His plans were working, the only thing left was to do is defeat the commanders and Whitebeard and then the victory will be their's to claim. But Sabo is not naive to think that they can win, against the Strongest Man in the World yet.

Once he reached the end of the forest, he noted the position of the commanders. Wallace was fighting with Namur, Deuce was fighting with Rakuyo. When they were retreating to the forest, he had seen Marco,  Rakuyo and Namur drag the bodies of their 'brothers' to the Moby Dick. If they are fighting that means the work is over. Sabo would have cursed if not for the Phoenix who had thought it was the right time to take a flight.

Sabo grinning evilly and climbed the top of the tree, waiting for his prey to soar above.


Marco was looking lazily at the Moby Dick while picking up his unconscious brothers. He didn't want to lose any of them. With the help of Namur and Rakuyo, it was an easy task. He wouldn't let his brothers being dragged by the violent waves into the depths of the ocean, and it's not like the brats can defeat them. So, it will fine.

After picking up the last of his brother, Marco stood beside the unconscious forms of Thatch and Blenheim who have lost to the first mate of the Spades Pirate, Deuce and another spade pirate, Skull.

One look on the other side could easily show that Deuce had easily won and was fighting Rakuyo while Skull was panting and a bit injured and was helping Mihar to fight Vista and Wallace was fighting with Namur. 

'Thatch needs training, being in the kitchen and cooking has made him rusty.' Marco groaned at the thought. But he knew on inside that there was another reason for why Thatch might have not attacked the Spades with his full power. The guy was emotional. He felt as if they were doing wrong since the beginning of the 'war'.

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