I looked at him. "If you don't..." I started, but he nodded and said that he's ready.

We sat on two chairs, our backs pressed to one another. The crowd was quiet, and they waited for the host to tell us the situations.

"Alright, first one. Let's say that Jisung falls for someone else, and you break up. What would Hyunjin do, Jisung, write that down..." Soon, the host asked me. "What would you do?"

"If this person is not taking care of him, I would kill them. If they are, nothing."

"What did you write, Jisung?" He asked, and I heard Jisung's quiet giggle.

"Depends, most probably nothing." The host laughed.

"Okay... Hyunjin, what would Jisung do if you're not in the mood for anything. Let's say that you had a rough day..." I wrote down my answer.

I heard Jisung laughing.

"You ready?" He asked me after a while. After I nodded, he smiled and asked Jisung.


"I would tell him that he looks awful and will ask him if he's okay. I will try to help."

I raised my paper, and there was written:

"compliment me" and try to make me feel a bit better

The crowd cheered.

"Oh, that's a true love here."

I got up and stretched my hand to help Jisung do the same. He did it and smiled. The crowd applauded us, and the hsot started talking again.

"Enough with these love birds, let's move on to the real event!" He turned around and tore his suit just to turn into a costume of a vampire. "Before I suck your blood, I want everyone wearing costumes over here!"

Everyone who wore a costume came to us.

"You all know the rules, but here you go. You go down this catwalk over there," he showed it to us. "And after you do that, you go and vote. You can't vote for yourself. People who are with matching costumes can go together, but they have to vote separately." He said. "Please, before you go there, give your idea of a costume to the lady there."

"Come." I gently pulled Jisung by his hand and we went to the lady, telling us who inspired our costumes.

"Okay..." She said as she was writing 'Corpse Bride' on her list. "You are first." She informed us, and I thanked her.

"We have to walk first?" Jisung asked as we were walking towards the catwalk.

"Yes. Relax, you will be okay." I told him, but he assured me he wasn't that stressed about having to walk in front of everyone.

"We talked in front of everyone just now." He mumbled, and I laughed.

"I guess we are the main attraction of the night."

"Of course, people love you."

"I think you're the one they are looking at and talking about more."

"Because I'm amazing." He said proudly, and we both laughed. "No, but seriously, I didn't expect them to be that interested in our relationship."

"People are always highly interested in my life, and since they never knew if I dated someone or didn't, now they are all shocked. Even though there were articles, no one here actually believes what people write about us."

"Articles?" Jisung asked quietly. I could feel his anger. "There are articles? About me and you? About us?" He kept on asking, his voice slowly raising. I made him shut up by pressing my lips to his, and he pushed me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because no one knows who you are. The photos are of me, and your face is not showing." I explained.

"There are photos?" He raised his voice again, and I kissed him one more time. "Hyunjin!" He pushed me away.

"It's not the right place for us to make a scene." I told him. He didn't look pleased so I caressed his cheek and smiled. "Don't stress too much about it. I don't care what they are writing about me, but I won't let them write about you."

"They already are!"

"They are talking about my boyfriend..."

"Which they think is me!"

"It's not like you don't get jealous and tell random people that you are my boyfriend." I smirked, and he looked away, breathing out.

"I hate you." He mumbled, pursing his lips. I chucked and made him look at me. At first, I was looking at his eyes. Then, my sight slid down to his lips. Yes, he pushed me away the previous times, but his lips looked way too kissable at that moment to resist them. I kissed him gently, surprised that he kissed me back. The kiss didn't last long, but when I pulled back, I was smiling like a teenager who got his first kiss.

"I thought you hated me." I whispered, pulling his body closer, my hands on his waist.

"Well, as your boyfriend, I should be at least kissing you back." He said, and I chuckled. 

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