Chapter 55

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Hyunjin's POV
30 October 2028
Seoul, Korea

My allarm went off. I rolled out of bed and saw Kkami on the floor waiting to go outside with me. Today was going to be a good day. I grabbed my phone and texted Jisung.

HJ: Morning, Love!

As usual, his reply was here and on point.

JS: HEY! Have an awful day!

HJ: Have a beautiful day, Love!

I giggled and started getting ready. As usual, my morning routine was to take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and to go downstairs to check who's able to deal with Kkami. Well, this was when everything was normal. Lately these days have been just a few.

But I was an idiot to think that this day was going to be a normal one. Once I got downstairs I saw Chan, who let Holy go to school with two of our men. I wished her a good day and looked at him.

"Don't you even dare to say good morning, the morning is not good and you overcame yourself this time." He said fastly and started walking towards my office. "Why are you standing there like you've just peed your pants? Come with me!"

I followed him and deep down I knew that Jisung was the problem. There was that certain face he was making every time when he was talking about Jisung. And I knew that this face meant only one thing... There was a problem. But I didn't know what the problem was exactly.

I followed him and he turned the laptop around, just so I can see an article about me and Jisung.

"Wait... Do you want me to read it?" Chan chuckled. "So you will know what's the interesting part here!"

I sighed but soon he started reading.

"What is interesting about this interaction is that not only the young man next to Prince was wearing a skirt, make-up, and had nail polish on, but, according to people who witnessed, he was claiming to be Prince's boyfriend." Chan looked at me. His eyes were digging holes in me. "They didn't hold hands, kiss nor show any intimacy, however, they were described as very close, way closer than normal friends. This is not the first time. Prince has been recently spotted with someone in many public places. Is this really his new partner, or is it just a way to attract even more fame? Looks like we will have to find out." He finished reading. "And on top of that, whoever wrote this was kind enough to include pictures." Chris said and I hurried to see them.

"Oh, his face is not visible." I breathed out.

"Sam, are you for real?!" He almost yelled.

"Look, if they had clear photos of Jisung's face it would be way worse." I explained.

"It's not the first time you have been seen with him. You know that you risk his safety. That's first. You risk your own safety, Sam!" He ran with a hand through his blond hair. "Oh god..." He mumbled. "This is not the only article. There are a bunch of them. The information is clear in every one of them. And the information does not even differ. Not even a bit. What have you done?" He continued yelling.

"We went shopping." I shrugged. "Went to eat. The waitress hit on me, Jisung got mad and told her to leave me alone." I smiled remembering him calling me his boyfriend. "And he said that I was his boyfriend. So yes, the articles are authentic. But I don't want you to stay online and just search through those articles."

"What should I do?" Chan hissed and left the laptop on the desk, while he started walking around. "I can't proceed with anything. Garcia popped up out of nowhere. No one could find him and any information about him or his plans." I smiled. It was just the way Garcia worked. Only he knew what he was about to do.

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