"How can I help you? Xander put that down!" She yells.

"Did Jennie go home last night?" I ask.

"Yeah, I dropped her straight home. She was pretty drunk and tired why?"

So she was home than??

"No reason, she's not picking up my phone I just wanted to remind her of how much I hate her." I say.

"Okay, Xander Jacob Steel put that knife down!" Autumn yells.

"Hey Lucas anything else? I really have to go and deal with something." She says.

"No that was it, thanks bye."

"Bye." She says as the phone hangs up.

"Francis I want every single surveillance camera in the area Jennie lives in. Send someone to her house to get the apartment checked. Send a woman I don't want any of my man checks things that shouldn't be checked."

"I want to know everything. Even if a speck of dust is out of place I want to know. You know the drill don't let the police get involved they will only make it messy not to mention they are good for nothing pieces of shit, who get paid to eat donuts every day."

"Yes sir." Francis's says bowing and leaving me in the middle of the living room.

Soon a nurse knocks on the side noticing me of her prances.

"Yes." I snap.

"What blood type are you sir." She asks.


"Because Jennie running out of blood quickly and we need more blood." She says my stomach drops.

"Would AB negative work?"



I have given two bags of blood, my body feels weak and light.

Francis helps me get up and walk over to my garden room.

My garden room is the only thing that brings me joy. The room is filled with different types of flowers.

The rooms is full of colour and joy. Something I wish I could feel again.

My life has become blank, it's always what people want me to feel.

You wear so many masks you forget which once are yours, and frankly alcohol and drugs where only thing to bring me to that high.

I stoped with my drug problem after Enzo and Matteo fucking nocked me out and sent me to rehab over spring holidays.

It was a fucking nightmare, my body shook, the sweat, the shivers anything to get my hands on some ecstasy.

I was cold than hot my body rejecting anything I ate. I wanted to fucking die.

Drugs was my only escape of life it made me free, it made me happy. Till I overdosed and Matteo and Enzo did what they had to do to help me.

But alcohol still thrives in my system.

"What did you find on Jennie." I say stilling down on my chair, salt joins me sitting on my lap.

"Her room was trashed and so was all of the belonging I have photos." Francis says as he passes me the photos.

"There was a pool of blood, on the living room I'm guessing Jennie's." He finishes.

"Camera?" I ask.

"They were all out." He says.

I hear a knock on the door. I turn to see Elizabeth standing there.

"She's alive sir." I sigh, in relief.

"She lost a lot of blood, but the stab wound wasn't deep and her heart beat is getting back to normal, I'll be monitoring it throughout the night." She says.

"Is she awake?" I ask.

"No, she won't be for a couple of days." She says looking down, anyone with a blind eye could see she was nervous.

"Speak." I ask in a cold tone she shivers at my tone.

"Um.. I.. I would like to..." she stutter.

"Elizabeth." I say giving her a warning.

She visibly gulps, "I would like to conduct a rape kit on miss Watts."

My stomach drops, I think I'm gonna be sick a familiar dirtiness crawls up to my skin.

Hand placement return on my body like they were burnt into my skin.

"Please." I beg the lady. "Let me go." I cry.
"Your fathers paying me good money for you." She says as she laughs wickedly.

My shake my head, I'm fine she's dead.

"Do what you have to." I say, she bows and hurries away.

"We also found letters."


A/N - hello everyone

Chapter 17 done

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See you Sunday


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