Music and Sushi

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Isabella was getting annoyed every minute as her son's loud music blared through the house. She was in her study trying to write an article on classical music but she was getting distracted.

"Sammy, turn it down!" She yelled out. Seemingly into the void judging by the results. If anything the song ended up being replaced by one with a booming bass that she felt moved her internal organs around. Isabella sighed, getting up and going up towards his bedroom.

She was wearing a black bikini top and shorts, her most common attire if she were to wear anything. Sammy was now used to nudity that he often didn't feel the need to wear anything more than a T-shirt. Indeed when she opened the door to his room Isabella was met with the funny sight of his pale bare cheeks wiggling as he danced on his bed while singing some of the questionable lyrics of the song.

"Your Lambo is powered by the what?" Isabella's stern tone got the little one to yelp and fall comically on the bed.

"Eeep, mommy!" He squealed as he turned to offer his cute smile as his mother approached the bed and turned the music off. "Bitches, mommy. That means a female dog like Steffie's Ruby, it's not what you think," he offered with his charming swagger, trying to gauge the impassive face of his mother.

"Are you going to try to lie with a straight face what the meaning of bitches is, Samuel?" Isabella scolded as she took her seat by the side of the bed. The fact she called him Samuel got the required contrition from her boy.

"No Ma'am. It's just the lyrics and I was singing along," he mumbled softly. It's not his fault the songs he liked had words mommy hated! Sammy didn't even care for the lyrics, he just liked the song because it had nice booms and sounds unlike mommy's love for stupid *jazz and classical music*, uggghh!

"Those lyrics are demeaning and juvenile young man and I don't appreciate your blasting of Goja Berri at a high volume," She said patting her lap.

"But I am a juvenile!" Sammy responded with a cheeky smile, sitting on her lap instead of going over. Sammy was now comfortable enough with Bella to give two big kisses on her fleshy cleavage, showing Mommy respect like she and the priestess at the temple taught him.

The fact she didn't order for the belt was a good sign. For him, if mommy was mad it would always be the belt. Hand spankings were for him, negotiable.

"Hmm... that's true," Bella couldn't help crack a smile. He was always so cute. She began giving him big soft wet kisses which the lad took without much fuss. "Fine, but you will use your headphones. Mommy has a lot of work to do and I expect complete silence to do it in."

Sammy groaned. He didn't like the weak headphones his mother had got for him. "But there's no bass to your headphones. It doesn't go Boom! Boom!"

"I'll be going boom boom on your bum bum if you keep complaining," warned Bella, leaning back on the bed so his bum was lifted off her lap. Her palm fell four times across his fleshy orbs, a flick of her wrist snapping her hand painfully on his bum and getting little squeaks from the lad.

"Oww!" He gave a magnificent pout. "Fine, won't play good songs. I'll just be miserable." He whined, looking at her twin orbs. "And no kissies for you two, I don't love mommy today coz she's being a meanie. Don't want milk either, I want regular food."

"I was going to get regular food," Isabella felt offended at his comment for some reason. "We are having Sushi tonight."

"Eeewww!" Sammy made a face. "Regular human food Mommy, not raw fish!"

"It's good if you try it." She shook her head. "Your other option is milk so better choose before six, I'll have to take an extra supplement if your dinner's gonna be Mommy's milk. I just have enough for a nighttime num num for now."

Mommy's BeltHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin