Mommy's Milk

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"Mommy mommy mommy!" Sammy's little squeaky voice hit Isabella's ears as she continued to do her pull-ups by the city park. It was a big wide-size square mile square of greenery in the middle of their big city. Hundreds of people were out and about with their evening jogs while a lot of kids played together.

"What is it cupcake?" Isabella questioned, dropping from the bar as she smiled at him. Sammy's face was crimson and he was skipping on his feet. Which she took to mean one thing - he just witnessed a traditional parent dealing with a kid who got into trouble.

"Over there, mommy!" He gasped, walking over to her but his blush got brighter as he approached. His eyes, she noticed on her figure. Isabella had gotten fit and toned, buff mommy as he teased her with washboard abs which showed considering she was only wearing a grey sports top and panties. She had sweated so much that her nipples were visible and prominent.

"Is someone getting spanked, Sammy?" She asked with a smile, leaning to kiss his cheek which got a cute noise. "Coz it's rude to stare without their permission."

"Not spanking mommy," Sammy shook his head. "Well...maybe. There's this girl...and her butt did seem red but I didn't see that. But mommy, she's like..her mommy's with her and the girl is like sucking on her mommy's..." Sammy couldn't say it, covering his face in shame but he pointed at Isabella. "Her..umm babies do. But she's a big girl mommy."

"Oh, so the girl is getting some mommy's milk after a spanking huh?" Isabella questioned, the casual tone getting Sammy to do a double-take.

"Uh ... is it normal?" He asked confused.

"Well... depends on the family and their religious background and social standings and a few variables...but yes, it's not unusual for mothers, especially new mothers like stepmoms to feed their new kids with mommy's milk as a bonding experience," Isabella explained, offering her hand for the boy who took it, still processing her words.

"But..." he wasn't sure what to say.

"It's an old wartime tradition baby, back when the food was contaminated and when it was the safest way for kids to eat. We have lactation pills that we use so we have milk whenever we need it." She spoke casually as she led him over to where the pair were.

"Wait Mommy, we're going to them?" Sammy asked in shock as they walked towards the pair. There were others at the park but they were minding their own business, giving the pair space. The mother looked relatively young, in her early thirties and the girl seemed to be a young teenager. A very pretty teen who got butterflies in Sammy's stomach to flutter. Blonde with blue eyes and slender. She was wearing just a spaghetti strap red top and matching shoes, her bottom bare and now striped with thin switch lines.

She was standing facing the topless mother. She was very sexy- though Sammy wasn't at an age to comprehend that- with long blonde hair and a curvy hourglass figure. Her breasts were large and one of them in the open while the girl was latched onto the other, suckling greedily while her mommy held a wicked switch in her hand.

"Better drain them Steffie coz that's all you are eating for the day. Mommy's gonna nurse you for dinner - no ice cream and pizza for you. And you'll be lucky if daddy doesn't take the strap to you," she scolded her girl as Isabella approached the pair.

"Vanessa! I wasn't expecting it to be you when Sammy said a woman was feeding a big girl!" Isabella beamed at the woman whose face turned into a huge grin.

"Bella! Oh, is *that* your secret baby that you've been keeping hidden away from us?" Vanessa teased back. Her teen blushed at the fact there was a company now and clung tightly to her mother.

"Stephanie been acting up again?" Isabella smiled, bringing a timid Sammy forward. "And yes, this is Samuel. He's still learning of our ways," she played with his hair. "Samuel, this is Vanessa Truss and she and her husband Daniel Truss are friends of Mommy. And that's Stephanie." She explained gently.

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