Ian raises his eyebrows. "Yeah?"

Liam leans into the car and over the center console. He presses his lips against Ian's and kisses him intently. Ian's eyes widen out of surprise before he shuts them, bringing his hand up to run it through Liam's hair.

When they pull away Liam shoots him a smile. "Bye."

Then, without another word he backs up and shuts the door. The window rolls down behind him and Ian yells out of it. "Bye!"

Liam smiles while getting in his own car. Ian drives off in the direction out of town while Liam heads back to his house. He may not be the most excited about having to leave his friends so early on but he doesn't let it ruin his mood. He's happy right now.

He pulls into the driveway and parks his car right where he always does. He hops out and walks up to enter the house. As soon as he opens the front door he hears his mother's lighthearted laughter.

"Will!" The voice of his older sister exclaims excitedly.

He looks over to see her standing from the couch and coming over to embrace him. She looks nice and well kept, as per usual. She's wearing a light pink dress that flows down to just above the knees and a white cardigan over it. Her pretty blonde hair that she got from their mother is pulled into a bun at the top of her head, a braid turning through a strand of it. 

She makes it to where he's standing and wraps him up in a hug. Liam tenses up initially at the physical contact but eases into it and hugs her back.  When they pull back she gives him a once over, taking in the clothes he's wearing and his slightly messy hair. Her smile doesn't deter though.

"You look rough. I like the shirt though." She pulls on the fabric. Liam looks down to see a picture of a shark splashing out of the water on his shirt. The word Jaws is written in big, red letters on top. "Did you just wake up?"

Liam nods. Even if him and his sister were never close, she's always been a good person. He lets out a little yawn as he's reminded of the fact that he wanted to sleep longer.

"I was staying at a friend's." He tells her vaguely. She looks a little surprised but smiles nonetheless.

They walk back into the living room together and sit down. She neatly tucks her dress under her legs as she takes a seat on the couch while Liam, too tired to care, just flops down next to her. His mother doesn't seem to appreciate this, giving him a side eye from where she's perched in her chair.

"William, really? You couldn't have cleaned up at all for your sister?"

"I had just woken up, Mother." Liam says, rubbing at his eyes tiredly. "I fully plan on showering and changing as soon as possible."

"Well go do so now." She snaps at him, waving her hand for him to go.

Mandy's smile drops a little and she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. She doesn't speak up though. Liam doesn't blame her. He sighs and stands, going to leave the room.

He does really want a shower. He walks up the stairs and, once reaching his room, immediately ducks into the bathroom. When he steps under the water of the shower, he feels himself wake up a bit more.

After his shower, Liam dresses in a black button up shirt and slacks. He runs his hands over his hair to smooth it out and then, after putting his phone on the charger, leaves his room again. When he reenters the sitting room it's just his mother and Mandy, his father having disappeared somewhere.

He sits down on the sofa next to Mandy again. She smiles in greeting to him. He looks over to his mother to find her looking at him with her typical neutral, if only slightly disappointed, expression.

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