Camille lights up. "Really?"

                "Of course. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I really enjoy spending time with you, Camille, and I hope to do it more often."

                "Does this mean...?"

                "What is it? You're more than free to speak your mind with me, Camille."

               "With us going out tonight, I was wondering if... if this meant that we were going to become a couple. Everyone's already speculating and even I was hoping for it. I like you a lot, Tom."

               Tom pauses, turning to look at her. If it wasn't for the fact that he was still holding onto her hand, Camille would have been unsure as to what his answer was going to be. "I like you a lot too, Camille. It might seem strange since we haven't known each other for a long time. But it feels like I've known you forever."

                "Me too! I don't know how to explain it but I feel a connection between us. One that only seems to get stronger whenever we're around each other. I don't want it to end."

                 Tom grabs Camille's other hand, smiling at her now. There's a sparkle in his dark eyes, one that has Camille mesmerized. "Neither do I. More than anything, I want for us to continue seeing each other. I want you to be my girlfriend."

                  "Yes, I want that more than anything!" Camille giggles, a bright and dazzling smile on her lips.

                  Everything was going according to plan, and this was truly the happiest day of Camille's life. She was finally going to get a chance to be Tom Riddle's girlfriend. The most popular boy in school was going to be going out with her. Camille almost pinched herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. But then again, Tom's hands holding onto hers was enough proof that this was her new reality.

                 "Perfect," Tom responds, his smile faltering just a little. "Is it alright if I kissed you?"

                 Camille's eyes widen a little, her cheeks turning pink from the blush. "It's perfectly alright. I want you to kiss me, Tom."

                 Tom lets go of her hands, leaning close to her. Camille helps to close the gap between them, leaning close enough that their lips could meet for a sweet kiss. Camille swears she can hear angels sing in the background and her entire body was warm and fluttery. Her arms wrap around Tom's neck and his hands move to rest on her waist. Although the kiss felt like it lasts an eternity, it wasn't very long at all before the two of them pulled away to catch their breath.

                   It was the best kiss she had ever had, and Camille had been kissed several times before. But Tom, he seemed to know exactly what to do and what Camille liked. Although she had never seen him date or even kiss another girl before.

                   Camille touched her lips after the kiss, looking at Tom with stars in her eyes. If she had been infatuated with Tom before, she was utterly obsessed now. 

                 "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?" Camille asked. She couldn't help but ask and now that they were close enough, she felt comfortable enough to ask.

                 "It's a top secret. But my first kiss was far from glamorous. It was when I was twelve and it was from a girl who lived in the same neighborhood. She kissed me," Tom answered, shaking his head.

                "Oh, you managed to charm girls even then?" Camille raised a brow.

                "I wasn't very charming when I was younger," Tom admitted.

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