Fireworks Of Love

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Synopsis: ruby and Chelsea go out to see the fireworks on their very first date.

Ruby and Chelsea were walking through the streets that night, drinking slushies as they were both excited to see the fireworks together.

"I'm really looking forward to see the fireworks with you ruby!" Chelsea said as she hugged her kraken girlfriend.

"I'm glad you said that because this is gonna be the best night of our lives!" Ruby said as they hold hands and they went up to the lighthouse to get a better look from the top. As soon as they got there, ruby layed her head on Chelsea's shoulder.

The fireworks started as a loud boom blasting in the air with different colors. Some of the fireworks were shaped like hearts.

"Isn't it beautiful Ruby? Just watching the fireworks out with you!" Chelsea said.

"Yep! This is a date I'll never forget about it!" Ruby said as she kissed Chelsea on the lips passionately.

"You're a really good kisser ruby!" Chelsea said as she looked at her and blushes.

"Thanks my beautiful mermaid!" Ruby said as Chelsea giggled and kisses her again.

They continue to watch the fireworks, Chelsea started to frown on her face and ruby noticed.

"Chelsea, what's wrong?" Ruby asked.

Chelsea sighed and looked at ruby. "Ruby, I'm so sorry about what I said and stabbing you in the arm with that trident I couldn't control myself!"

"Chelsea it's okay, I'm not mad at you besides nerissa took control of you but I know you didn't mean to hurt me, I forgive you!" Ruby said as she smiled at her.

"But you're family probably never accept me for awhile!" Chelsea said gently.

"Chels, I don't care what my family thinks if they don't want to accept us then that's their problem not ours! Because I love you Chelsea!" Ruby said.

"I love you too Ruby!" Chelsea said as they kissed each other on the lips again.

After the fireworks were over, Chelsea took ruby home and they stopped by the window of ruby's bedroom.

"Goodnight!" Chelsea whispered and kisses ruby on the cheek.

"Goodnight!" Ruby whispered back. She opened the window and sneak back inside her room as she turned to her girlfriend Chelsea.

"See you in the ocean tomorrow!" Ruby said gently.

"You bet babe!" Chelsea said as she gives ruby a quick kiss on the lips and left.

Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken Oneshots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz