Your Not Dumb Your My Daughter

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Synopsis: Ruby has a nightmare and her mom comforts her in the middle of the night.

The gillman family was sleeping peacefully in their own bedrooms that night, but ruby was just breathing heavily in her sleep, sweating a little bit.

Ruby's Nightmare:

Ruby was in her kraken form in the ocean as she screamed in pain, tears rolled down her cheeks. Chelsea stabbed ruby in the arm with the trident in her arms as she evilly smirk on her face.

"Oww! Ow! You're hurting my arm! Ahh!" Ruby cried out as Chelsea laughed evilly.

"You know what ruby? You're so pathetic! Too bad you're mommy isn't here to save you now and I'm the ruler of the ocean! Nothing can stop me, and you'll never win! Because your just a stupid, dumb teenager!" Chelsea said as she started to glow and ruby should have listened to her mother in the first place.

Chelsea swimmed up and then used the trident to throw a huge rock at ruby's face.

Woke up screaming ruby realized that it was just a nightmare but she thought it felt real to her anyway. Ruby was in tears right now as she looked at her arm to where she was stabbed at and her arm had three medium size holes on it. Ruby felt like an idiot because she didn't listen to her mom about Chelsea.

Ruby got up from her bed as she wearing a white t shirt with a little yellow boat on it and pajama pants with dolphins on it. She opened her bedroom and looked through the hallways.

"Mom!" Ruby cried out in tears. She dropped to her knees and sobbed in her hands right now, she needed comfort, she needed her mom.


Ruby sniffles and sees her mom coming out the room wearing her pink robe.

"Ruby? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Agatha asked as her 16 year old teenage kraken daughter nodded.

"Yeah! And you were right about Chelsea I should have never given her that trident in the first place! And she was right about me, I am a dumb teenager! I let you down mom, I'm so sorry!" Ruby sobbing into her mother's shoulder.

Agatha held ruby in her arms and calm her down a bit.

"Shh ruby it's okay, I'm not mad at you and it's not your fault honey, but I'll always love you!" Agatha said gently as she lifted her daughter's head up to give her eye contact. "Don't ever think that you're dumb because your not! You're my daughter ruby, that's never gonna change!" She said.

Ruby sniffles and smiled at her mother.

"I love you mom!"

"I love you too ruby!"

Agatha kissed her on the forehead as she stopped crying and looked at her mom.


"Yes Ruby?"

Ruby took a deep breath and exhale.

"Would it be okay if I sleep in your room tonight? I'm still a little scared about my nightmare!" Ruby said gently as Agatha couldn't help but smile.

"Of course honey! Come on!" Agatha said gently as ruby followed her mom into her parents bedroom and ruby got in the middle of the bed as Agatha held her daughter in her arms and kisses her on the forehead.

"Goodnight mom!"

"Goodnight Ruby!"

I hope y'all enjoy this Oneshot of ruby and Agatha bonding together as mother/daughter.

Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken Oneshots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat