I Really Miss You Ruby

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Synopsis: ruby finally comes back home and her little brother sam missed her a lot.

It's been a few months since ruby left home but she finally came back and her family missed her a lot.

"Welcome home ruby, we've missed so much!" Arthur said as he hugged his daughter tightly and ruby hug him back.

"I miss you too dad!" Ruby said. Sam was really happy to his big sister home as he ran and jumped into her arms.

"Ruby you came back! I miss you big sis!" Sam said gently as ruby smiled and hugged him back.

"I miss you too little bro!" Ruby said as she let go and walked pass her mom.

"Hey ruby!" Agatha said gently.

"Hi mom!" Ruby said gently.

"Are you still mad at me for slapping you in the face?" Agatha asked. Ruby sighed and hugged her mom.

"No of course not! I know we don't get along with each other very much but I could never hate you mom!" Ruby said with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry I slapped you in the face ruby, it's just I let my anger get the best of me!" Agatha apologies to her daughter and she accepted the apology.

"It's okay mom I forgive you!" Ruby said gently as she went to her room and her pet ness was really happy to see her too as he licked her cheek and ruby giggled.

"Awww hey ness, good to see you!" Ruby said gently.

Meanwhile, it was late at night ruby was still awake and reading a book as her nightstand light was on, she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" She said as the door creaked opened a little bit and she sees her little brother sam.

"Ruby? Can I sleep with you tonight?" Sam asked as ruby sighed and smiled at him.

"Sure you can little bro!" Ruby said as she scooted over to make room for Sam to get in and he got excited about it.

It was quiet for a few minutes until Sam broke the silence as he spoke up to his sister.

"Hey ruby?"


Sam looked up into his sister's eyes as he sounded sad about something and ruby figured.

"Don't get mad okay? But can you be a little nicer to mom, I know that y'all been fighting a lot lately! I just don't want to lose you again besides you're the best big sister ever and you've always been there for me!" Sam said gently as ruby looks at him even though he can be a little annoying sometimes she still loves him.

"Did you see my face when I came back home? I was so happy, Sam you'd never lost me okay? You never lost me and you never will, I promise! But I always be here when you need me and even though you are annoying sometimes I love you anyway because your my little brother! I promise I'm not going anywhere!" Ruby said gently as she hugged him tightly.

"I love you ruby!"

"I love you too!"

They both started to yawn as they got tired. Ruby put her book on her nightstand and she tuck Sam in bed.

"Get some sleep okay!" She said as Sam nodded and he lays his head on ruby's chest.

"Goodnight Ruby!"

"Goodnight Sam!"

Ruby turned off the light on her nightstand and started to fall asleep that night.

Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now