Chapter 8🌺

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Y/n hitted the ground and fell on hard ground she looked to find herself at a fire area with all the flames around the area. She got up till she got kicked behind the back but Ojiro was able to catch.

She got onto her feet and withdrew her sword as they looked they were surronded by villains.

"Tsuyuri-san..." Ojiro put his fists up, "Let's split up They'll chase after us and I'm sure it'll be easier to beat them in two groups." Y/n immediately ran leaving Ojiro with another pack of villains while the others began chasing her.

She turned to see the villains following her she ran up a building and got her sword ready for the attack.

"Sixth form: Whirling Peach." She said attacking the villains she landed down safely and heard the villains fall down from the flowers  that easily distracted them till one of the villains were standing infront of her.

"Flowers? really?" he said beginning to laugh. "You'll die with these stupid flowers here girly."

The villain looks confused as she flips her coin she looks and puts it back before running and attacks the villain.

"Second form: Honorable Shadow Plum"

Y/n had finished attacking those villains she decided that it would be best to go check on her  classmates she got out of the fire zone seeing that Ojiro was fine.

"Don't worry Tsuyuri-san you can go take care of others." he said she nodded and got out.

Y/n landed safely but her eyes widen when she sees the sight of Aizawa getting attacked by the monster in his own puddle of blood.

"Hm? Another bratty student?" The Hand villian asked sctracthing his neck.

Y/n ran and began to try and attack the monster to protect her teacher.

"Second form: Honorable Shadow Plum" Y/n attacked the monster from any point such as making serious injuries to cut both of its arms.

"T-Tsuyuri get away from that thing. I can't erase its quirk" Aizawa said but the girl was able to get her teacher out of the creatures arm she puts him down and runs towards the monster to try and attack it.

"Huh.... you're a very strong student,wait aren't you the sister of that deceased hero Kanae Kocho? Man she sure was weak."the hand villain commented when he said those words Y/n's eyes fired up with anger.

"Fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo" Y/n flung herself at the hand guy about to attack him for saying  those words about her sister before a hand grabbed her leg she looked to see that monster grabbing her arm about to break it she tried to break free and not end up like her teacher, "Fifth form: Peonies of Futility" she pushes her sword through the monsters arm which caused it to let go of her.

Suddenly the warp villain appeared again and informed the hand villain that a student escaped Y/n knew that Iida was able to escape.

"Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home." The villain sighed, "Oh,yeah. before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!" The villain was know infront of Asui and tried to decay her as Y/n's eyes widen, The villan tried to decay Asui but realized that his quirk was erased by Aizawa, making y/n run over and push the villain away from Asui before the monster flung him back and he crashed near Aizawa.

Midoriya jumped ready to destory the villain he punched the villian which caused a huge gush of wind to appear before midoriya looked to see the monster he punched which did no effect. before y/n could react an explosion was heard she looked up and smiled to finally see who it was.

All might was by the door as the smoke cleared, "I am here!" All might said but this time he wans't smiling.

"All...Might..." Midoriya trialed off.

"Oh, we're getting a "Continue" The hand villain happily said, The hand villain looked at Y/n it was almost as if he was smiling, "She might be a problem since she's the sister of the now deceased flower hero." he said y/n gritted her teeth and looked at him.

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