"Do you have any other doors?" I ask Blaine hopefully.


"Is there any other angles we can see?" I ask Quinn.

She puts them up one at a time and they all give the same information.

There isn't a clear shot of the person's face and they're wearing a black hoodie just like the one Sidney is wearing when he's seen on the footage crawling away from the building.

"I think we have everything we need." Blaine says and I gulp. This isn't going to go down well. "Send me that?" He asks and Quinn nods.

Blaine starts walking away and I follow after him.

"Thanks for the help, I'll stop by again soon." I say to Quinn and Wes, rushing to catch up with Blaine.

I hear Quinn and Wes shout bye and I shout it back.

I shut the front door behind me. "I know what this looks like but it wasn't him."

He turns to face me. "You're either lying or extremely naive."

"I know it wasn't him."

"He didn't even bother to change his shirt. Nobody else left that building. Who else could it be? Vincent?"


"Is your heart sure it wasn't him either?" He says with fake sympathy. "I get it, you're trying to save your brother but he's a lost cause. He did it." He says walking away.

"No, he didn't."

He gets back in the car and I get in the passenger side, following after him.

"The person in the video was wearing boots. Sidney only wears trainers." I state.

Blaine turns to look at me, the car still parked on the side of the road.

"Oh. You're for real." He says after a minute.

"I know it sounds stupid." I state.

"I'm glad you're aware."

"Sidney basically has an obsession with trainers. It's the only type of shoes he'll wear." I take out my phone and click on the album titled 'Sidney'. I click on the photo of us at the beach. "See, even at the beach he's wearing trainers."

"That's one photo."

I click off and scroll down randomly clicking on one.

"See, trainers." I scroll along at the different pictures and in each one he's wearing trainers like I said.

"That doesn't prove anything." He states.

"Let me speak to him."

"I've learned my lesson from last time."

"I wont pull anything, I swear. I just want to ask him where he's being staying, maybe there's something there that can prove he's innocent."

He doesn't speak for ages and just when I think he's not going to reply he does. "If you even think about trying something I'll put a bullet straight in his head, understood?"

"Yes, I understand."

Without another word Blaine starts the car and we head back to the house.

We go down to the basement and Blaine nods at the newly appointed guards to let us inside.

I walk silently behind Blaine and try not to make any sudden movements.

"I didn't set that fire, I don't know why you think I did." Sidney says as soon as he sees Blaine.

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