A World Without You

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Yayyyy! Golthi is here! But will she be able to help Hiccup? Has the poison been in him too long...? D: 

Astrid paced the outside of Hiccup's hut. Fishlegs and Golthi were inside examining Hiccup. She was waiting with Heather, Snotlout, Dagur, and the twins. They were all uneasy for their leader. The past few hours Hiccup had only gotten worse. He was running a high fever and barely breathing at all. The lack of blood was also making it all worse. 

"Will he be alright?" Tuffnut asked. 

"He's Hiccup," Snotlout said with his arms crossed. "He's always alright."

Dagur sighed. "We should have come for him sooner. We were just too late." Dagur looked at the floor. 

Astrid sighed. They had wasted too much time thinking of a plan to get Hiccup that they didn't get him in time. Astrid was sure that the venom was something Viggo put into Hiccup's body the day they had arrived. They should have been quicker. 

Just then, Fishlegs and Golthi walked out of Hiccup's hut. Astrid's smile of hope faded at the sight of their faces. They looked upset. Golthi took a jar from under her belt that was filled with sand. She split some on the ground and used her staff to talk. 

"She says," Fishlegs took a gulp. "That the venom has been in his body too long." Astrid's eyes grew wide. "The anti-venom that Golthi gave him...might not work."

"Meaning...?" Astrid asked slowly and Golthi started writing again. Fishlegs whimpered and glanced at his friends.

"Meaning that Hiccup might not wake up, and he could...die."

Astrid couldn't take it. She ran past Golthi and Fishlegs right into Hiccup's hut. Astrid ran up the stairs to Hiccup's bed and saw Hiccup unconscious on his bed. Sweat dripping down his face onto his bed. There were red rings around the bottom of his eyes. Astrid could barely hear him breathing. 

"Hiccup, please...please wake up," She started sobbing. She grabbed his cold pale hand and ran her figures through his auburn hair. 

Hiccup's eyes stayed closed shut and he let out a soft moan in his sleep. Astrid noticed that there was a gentle stream of tears combining with the sweat. Astrid whipped them away. 

There was a voice that echoed in Astrid's head. "I couldn't imagine a world without you in it." Hiccup had said to her. 

"I couldn't either," Astrid whispered. Tears kept falling down her face, falling onto the floor. "Please, Hiccup," Astrid cried out. "You can't leave me." Astrid felt for Hiccup's pulse. It was barely there. There was just silence. Astrid could hear the voices of her friends talking outside. They would want to say goodbye to their leader as well. "Goodbye, Hiccup," Astrid sobbed. She got up and turned to leave.

"Way to make things grim," A voice spoke from behind her. Astrid swirled around and her eyes met forest green eyes that were staring back at her. 

"H-Hiccup?" She asked, unable to believe what she saw. 

Hiccup sat up but winced. Astrid rushed over to him and brought him into a hug. Hiccup hissed through his teeth but didn't push her away. Instead, he hugged her back. When Astrid pulled away she looked at his face. The color was coming back and Astrid saw the life in his face again.

"You scared me half to death!" Astrid cried. Tears were coming down her face. Hiccup smiled and took her hand.

"Sorry, m'lady," He said. Hiccup's voice still seemed hoarse but Astrid didn't care. She was happy he was alive.


Astrid looked behind her to see the gang standing at the top of the stairs. Their eyes full of bewilderment.

"Hey everyone," Hiccup said weakly and offered a smile. 

Everyone clambered around Hiccup. It seemed like there were millions of voices around him that Astrid heard. The twins were sobbing their hearts out saying something neither Hiccup nor Astrid could understand. Dagur was saying something about being sorry that they couldn't get Hiccup in time and Snotlout was saying something about not being worried at all. Heather was just smiling along with Fishlegs. There was still a light bit of pain reflecting in Hiccup's face that Astrid saw.

"Everyone, I know we are all so excited Hiccup's awake and all but, he does need to recover," She said and everyone agreed. After everyone said their goodbyes, Astrid turned to Hiccup.

"I'm so glad you're okay," She said warmly and turned to leave. 

"Astrid?" Hiccup asked.

She turned around. "Yeah, Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"What would happen if I didn't make it?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid smiled. She looked at Hiccup's forest green eyes that she thought she would never see again. She, in truth, didn't know what would have happened if Hiccup didn't make it. Astrid just answered what she knew was true.  "I couldn't imagine a world without you in it." Hiccup smiled at her. "Now get some rest," Astrid commanded and left the room. She was nearly knocked over by a black blur that darted into the hut.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted with surprise and delight. "Arghhh! Toothless you know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup yelled at his dragon who made a chuckling noise. 

Astrid smiled and walked to her hut. 

A World Without You - httydTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon