Battle One

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Hi ppl! Just a quick note: This is my first fanfic but that doesn't mean I'm inexperienced. I love writing and have experience with that. I hope you like this fanfic!


Hiccup wiped the sweat off of his brow as Toothless hovered above the open sea. He gazed at the incoming ships from the horizon. Snotlout had spotted dragon hunter ships heading for the West side of the Edge on his morning patrol while everyone was eating breakfast. Everyone was up in the air at once. Hiccup sat on Toothless inspecting the ships.

"What are we waiting for?" Snotlout asked no one in particular and flew up on Toothless's right on Hockfang.  "Lets sink their ships!" The Jorgenson yelled out and his dragon growled in agreement, lighting himself on fire, making Snotlout yell in surprise. "Watch it, Hockfang!"

"Hate to agree with the mutton head," Astrid started from behind Hiccup. "But what are we waiting for?" Astrid was soon on Hiccup's left. Even though Hiccup couldn't see the other riders, he heard them mumbling in agreement. 

Hiccup sighed. "It's confusing," He started. "Why would they just sail up to the Edge like this? Especially on the West side? It's the most patrolled and guarded." Hiccup didn't take his eyes off of the ships that were slowly growing in the distance. "It's where our huts are facing, so they don't have the advantage of surprise..." Hiccup's voice trailed off and he shook his head. "It doesn't make sense."

Hiccup's cousin just snorted. "What a bunch of idiots," He snickered. 

"Well," Fishlegs butt in. "Hiccup does have a point. There must be something new or special about their boats or weapons that makes them so sure that they can just come up and attack the most defended side of the Edge-"

"Blah, blah, blah, can we go now?" Snotlout almost pleaded as he interrupted Fishlegs from finishing his thought. Hiccup saw that his cousin looked like he was ready to charge at the ships without the rest of the group. He and everyone knew that Snotlout, and Hockfang, were both stubborn and stupid to just charge into battle headfirst and forget their brain where they started. 

"Yeah!" Ruffnut flew up to the rest of the group with Tuffnut and their dragon where they hoovered in a somewhat line. 

"We're ready to blow some wood!" Tuffnut threw his hands in the air and almost fell off of his saddle. "The wood being the ships, just so you know," He clarified for them. 

"Thanks, Tuff," Hiccup said rather sarcastically. "Okay, well there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary about these ships. The hunters are definitely loaded with dragon root arrows, so be cautious," Hiccup rambled on. He looked at the Riders. All of them looked like they were itching for him to stop talking so they could drive the hunters away already. "Alright, gang," He finally said and everyone readied themselves. "Lets show these hunters what we're made of!" 

With that, everyone followed the Night fury as the duo dove close to the water over to the dragon hunter ships. Hiccup could hear the twins whooping and Snotlout shouting, "Snotlout, Snotlout, oy, oy, oy!" Hiccup couldn't help but smile. They were an unbreakable team. They worked together and were able to overcome any challenge.

As they neared the ships, Hiccup could hear the dragon hunters shouting to each other, "Dragon Riders!" Hiccup clicked his metal leg into Toothless's gears and the tail fin moved slightly for the duo to move at their max speed.

"Light it, bud!" Hiccup shouted to his dragon and instantly, Toothless shot out his purple blasts to the bottom of the ship in front of them. Smoke rose from the spots and made the ship tilt and shift on the water. Toothless pulled up from the ship and twisted in the air to avoid the arrows that were being shot from catapults on the decks. 

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