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Astrid blasted the ships but stayed out of range of the arrows and chains that failed to reach her. The rain had covered her entirely yet she was still sweating from the adrenaline to just fly Stormfly down and get Hiccup out of there. 

"What if I get struck by lightning?" Snotlout asked worriedly atop of Hockfang. 

"Snotlout, the chances of getting struck by lightning is one in a million," Fishlegs said from behind Snotlout, he too was on Hookfang.

"Shut up, Fishface," Snotlout mumbled.

Astrid sighed annoyed. "Uh, guys? Less talking, more distracting!" Dagur's plan was to have Windshear throw Shatermaster into the ships surrounding Viggo's main ship. But he also had the idea to use Meatlug as well. Henceforth, Fishlegs road on Hookfang and Dagur on Windshear. The twins would blow the hunters off of Viggo's ship so Astrid could run in and get Hiccup and Toothless out of there. 

Astrid watched as the first ship sank and Barf and Belch flew over Viggo's ship spraying a huge amount of gas. 

"Light it, Belch!" Tuff yelled and almost every hunter was blown off the ship or unconscious. Astrid waited for a third ship to sink and for Ruff and Tuff to give one more explosion to the top of Viggo's ship. 

She waited forever, but as soon as the third ship sunk and Barf and Belch pulled away from the ship, Astrid dove on Stormfly and landed rather hard on the deck. She brought out her axe and ran below deck. There were no hunters, they had all been on top. 

"Hiccup?" She yelled out. "Toothless!" She passed cell by cell and found nothing. Until she passed something that caught her eye. Astrid crouched down and saw that in one of the cells, there were dried blood marks on the ground. "HICCUP?" She yelled again. There was a muffled roar nearby. She followed it to a cell where Toothless was caged up. A muzzle on him and looking quite ill. The dragon root arrow was still stuck in his tail.  

It occurred to Astrid that she didn't have any of the keys to the cells. How was she going to get Toothless out.

"Need some help?" Heather ran to where Astrid stood with Windshear close behind her. 

"Thank Thor," Astrid breathed and Windshear began trying to slice at the lock. It took a couple of tries, but they got it open. Toothless got up and slowly walked out. 

"We'll be back," Heather promised and Windshear, Astrid, Heather, and Stormfly ran down the hall to where Viggo's room was. Stormfly blasted it down and they all ran in. 

In the dim light, it took a second for Astrid to see the chair Hiccup was cuffed to. 

"HICCUP!" She yelled in fear of the sight of him. He was unconscious on the chair that held him tight. He was pale and looked very sick. There was blood all over him as his fingernails took the shade of blue. Heather gasped when she saw him and they all fell silent. Astrid ran to Hiccup and pulled at the metal cuffs. "They won't budge!" She yelled. 

Hiccup let out a moan of pain and Astrid noticed how hard it was for him to breathe.

"Can Windshear cut the cuffs?" Astrid asked desperately.

Heather looked pale. "Y-yes," She started. "But Windshear might accidentally cut him!" 

Hiccup suddenly let out a scream and his whole body went tight as it tried pulling against the cuffs. Then his body went limp and unmoving. 

"Just do it!" Astrid screamed with tears running down her face and Heather commanded her dragon to slice the cuffs. With quick motions, Windshear sliced through all of them, only scratching Hiccup a couple of times. Astrid grabbed Hiccup and with the help of Heather, climbed onto Stormfly with him on her lap. "Can Windshear carry Toothless?" Astrid asked and Heather nodded. 

They quickly exited the boat and took flight into the air. Almost all the ships were destroyed.

At the sight of Stormfly and Windshear, the Riders, and Dagur, left the ships and flew towards the base. It didn't occur to Astrid that the ride home would take about a day, and Hiccup didn't have much time. 

She looked down at his pale and pained face. Breathing still seemed hard for him. He still bled slightly in Astrid's arms. But finally they got him back. Astrid's heart broke when she saw tears streaming from Hiccup's closed eyes. He let out a moan in his sleep and shifted uncomfortably on Astrid's lap. 

"It's okay, Hiccup," Astrid said with tears sprouting out of her own eyes. "You'll be okay."

Hiccup's eyes suddenly fluttered open, and Astrid could see his forest green eyes reflecting pain. "A-Astrid?" He whispered. Astrid let out a breath. 

"It's me, Hiccup," She said with a sigh. "You're alright."

Hiccup shook his head and frowned. "I-I'm not alright, Astrid," He said quietly and groaned. 

That caught Astrid off guard. Hiccup was always insisting that he was alright. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

Hiccup took a second to respond. His mind seemed to be somewhere else. "It hurts so much," His voice cracked and Astrid's heart broke once again. "I-I don't know if..." Hiccup took a breath. "...if I can m-make it."

Astrid shook her head. "No, no, no," She said with a forced laugh. "You'll be fine, you'll be fine," She said and looked into his eyes that seemed to be ready to close. "We just need to get you to the Edge."

Hiccup nodded and his eyes drifted closed again. 

Astrid's breath quickened and she thought back to Hiccup's words. What did he mean? Was there more wrong with him then meets the eye? And little did Astrid know, that the Triple Stryke venom continued to flow through Hiccup's body. 

A World Without You - httydDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora