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There's torture in this, just want to warn, lots of blood and injury. 


Hiccup laid on the hard deck floor with his hands tied on the wrist and his legs tied together at his thighs and ankles, or more like one of his ankles and his metal leg. The ropes felt like they were as tight as they could possibly be, cutting off circulation. He could barely feel his hands. Hiccup's breathing was ragged short. The wound on his stomach had stopped bleeding for the most part, but it didn't seem to have stopped hurting. 

The metal door in front of him suddenly lifted up and two guards came in. 

"Viggo and Ryker want a word," One of them snarled at him and shoved him in a standing position. 

"Can't really walk," Hiccup tried to say loudly, but the lack of water made his voice rasp. 

"Shut up!" The other hunter shouted and punched him in the face. Hiccup instantly tasted blood.

The dragon hunters dragged him by the arms to the door decorated with gold and gems. Hiccup hissed through his teeth as the hunter grabbed his injured arm. It was still bleeding nonstop and his entire right arm was pale as white snow. 

They soon entered, Hiccup shivered. Viggo was at his desk with a chair in front. The chair had cuffs all over it. On the arm rest, the chair legs, the top of the chair for the neck, and the middle part of the chair. It looked like it was meant to keep whoever was in it, in it. Hiccup saw Ryker standing behind Viggo. His arms crossed and dark eyes narrowed. 

"Hello, Hiccup," Viggo said. It sounded like he spat out the last word as if it had a bad taste in his mouth. "Untie the ropes, gentlemen." Viggo got out of his chair with his hands behind his back. The hunters pulled the ropes off of Hiccup. He almost collapsed. The pain that still ran through him from his ribs, stomach, and now arm. 

He was shoved into the chair. Viggo was now over by Hiccup. He shoved Hiccup's hands on the armrest and clamped the cuffs tightly around his wrist. Viggo moved his hands to the cuffs on the legs and cuffed his ankle and metal leg. Hiccup instantly struggled against them. 

"Don't make me cuff your neck and middle," Viggo hissed to him and Hiccup stopped. The struggling was making his rib hurt, and the thought of having more cuffs around him seemed horrible. "That's better," Viggo said with a smile and made his way back to his chair behind his desk.

"Viggo, whatever you want from me, you aren't getting it," Hiccup spat at him.

"Pitty," Viggo said, but a smile crept on his face.

Ryker moved over to Hiccup and pulled out a dagger. Hiccup couldn't help but flinch. Ryker chuckled and moved closer to him. 

"Now," Viggo reached under his desk and grabbed the Dragon Eye. "What can you tell me about this little trinket. So much information in such one little contraption." 

Hiccup scowled. "If the Dragon Eye belongs to the hunters, how come I know more about it than you?" He asked. Hiccup instantly regretted his remark. Ryker punched Hiccup in the gut. Something cracked in Hiccup's other side of his rib cage from his already broken rib. Instant pain followed. Hiccup coughed up blood. Were his lungs bleeding?

"Please, Hiccup," Viggo said carelessly. "Don't make this get too terribly violent."

"T-trust me," Hiccup tried to say confidently. "I won't tell you anything." Hiccup prepared for the blow and it was harder than he expected. Ryker's big fist met Hiccup's injured stomach. It started bleeding again. Bleeding through his tunic which was ripped through the middle where Viggo had hut him.

Viggo chuckled, then went serious. "What do different types of dragon fire show for the Dragon Eye?" Viggo asked, getting up and standing over Hiccup. Hiccup spat the man in the face. "Shouldn't have done that," Viggo snarled and whipped the saliva off his face. He grabbed Hiccup's neck and pushed it against the chair, clamping the cuff around it. It was way too tight and Hiccup tried getting the air he needed but his airways couldn't expand as much as they needed.

Panic took over Hiccup as he struggled to breathe. He looked at his nails that were slowly turning a deep shade of blue. He struggled hard. Pulling against the cuff that was cutting off his air supply. 

"What do different dragon fires show?" Viggo repeated slowly. He took the knife from his brother and cut down Hiccup's thigh. Getting deeper the further he went. He stopped at Hiccup knee and pulled it out with ragged force that Hiccup let out a weird yelp followed by a pained moan. The lack of oxygen was making his head pound and he tried sucking air in. 

"Never," Hiccup said quietly, staring at the man and forcing his eyes to stay open. "Will I e-ever tell a man like y-you." 

Viggo shook his head. "I thought you were much smarter than that, my dear Hiccup." He raised the knife again and punctured the same wound on Hiccup's arm. He went as far as he could, making the knife go further than the wound was already. 

The room was full of Hiccup's screams as he pulled against the cuffs. Viggo had removed Hiccups armor and tunic. Leaving Hiccup's skin bare and unprotected. 

Viggo had tried asking Hiccup again about the Dragon Eye, but he stayed quiet. The only thing that left his mouth were screams and moans of pain. Hiccup pleaded that unconsciousness would take over him. 

Both of the Grimborn brothers were loosing patients, Ryker was showing it more than Viggo.

"I'm havin' enough of this game you're playin', boy," Ryker snarled and pulled out his sword. Hiccup's head was trying to fall forward against the cuff. "Tell Viggo the information he needs t' know." 

"Never..." Hiccup's voice was weak and torn from screaming. 

Viggo raised the knife he held and sunk it into Hiccup's left shoulder. Hiccup screamed as Viggo left the knife sitting there. Viggo unlocked the cuffs around Hiccup and Ryker forced Hiccup to walk to the door. 

"We'll try again tomorrow, Hiccup," Viggo called to him as he reached the door. 

Hiccup just wanted to return to his cell, better yet, return home. But he wanted to say something before he left. "Try a-all you want, Viggo," Hiccup said as loudly as he could. "But as long as I breathe, nothing comes out of m-me."

To Hiccup's surprise, Viggo smiled. "We'll see about that," Viggo chuckled as Hiccup was pushed out of the room. "We'll see." 

Hiccup kept stumbling as he made his way to his cell. Ryker kept pushing him along. Hiccup was desperately clutching his shoulder where the knife still sat. It was pushed all the way to the handle and blood was dripping down Hiccup's arm and body. 

"In ya go, you little runt," Ryker growled and threw Hiccup into the cell. Hiccup couldn't keep his balance and grunted when he hit the floor. Any movement to the knife on his shoulder was unbearable. 

As soon as Ryker was gone, Hiccup forced himself to sit up. He needed to do something about his shoulder, but there was a chance of it bleeding out. And Hiccup may not even have the strength in his arm which was injured twice to even pull it out. 

Hiccup's breathing was ragged and short. He saw his nails still took a shade of blue as his skin looked deathly white. With his shirt off, he saw that his chest and stomach areas were injured with purple bruises. The bandage on his stomach was dripping with blood again after being punched. His broken rib was definitely out of place as another broken or fractured rib was on the other side. 

Hiccup made his way against the back of the cell wall and leaned against it. He didn't plan on breaking. To get his information, Viggo would have to kill him and dig it out of Hiccup's head. That's what Hiccup kept telling himself. 

He had decided to leave the knife in his arm, afraid that if he took it out, it would cause him to bleed out. 

"Toothless?" Hiccup called out. He hadn't seen his best bud in so long and was worried about what had happened to his dragon. "Toothless?" He tried again. There was no response.

Hiccup sighed. He closed his eyes and let an uneasy sleep come across him. His sleep haunted with nightmares. As long as he was on that ship, nothing would be peaceful.

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