Chapter 20 Entitled

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Muse Paisley

I'm back, but only for a couple of hours while the supervisor, Apollo, and the retired Muse breathed down my neck. Apollo was still dressed in his morning suit.

The weirdos read over my shoulder because it was obvious that I wasn't to be trusted.

I wrote that both my supervisor and Apollo could use mouthwash.

Muse Silver-Green placed on headsets and fell asleep on the cot. The old creature wasn't budging or leaving.

I walked into the booth's bathroom, washed my face, and went back inside the main recording area.

Mason's life started to be shown again. He played with his magnifying glass and tucked it into his suit pocket.

A meeting, I love meetings. You learn about the rules.

The wrinkled sack has been jotting down the table instead of sitting in the lead Muse's chair.

"You need to watch what they're doing and record it," my supervisor said.

Frank tapped the wall, and it opened, exposing a glistening screen, but a black square covered half of it.

"Frank, turn your camera and microphone on. You're doing it on purpose," Agent Lace yelled.

He typed and stuck his tongue out.

Everyone came into focus, and Lace laughed at Frank's contorted face.

"I'm in my castle and not the office," Rob said.

"Very stylish." Frank fiddled with the screen dials.

"Lace, is this your son? He is so immature for someone pushing forty," Rob said.

"I didn't give birth to a man fourteen years younger than me. That's my buddy, Frank." Agent Lace grinned and checked over the paperwork. "My son's only humor is snark, musical theater, and talking to himself because it's the only way he has an interesting conversation."

Lace, Dina, Rob, and Shanna sat in a conference room around a hardwood table and black velvet chairs. Ivy dripped through the window over the gray stone.

Rob could sweat gold. I was shocked that he was an adult when his mother died because of how immature he seemed. "Wow, even eighteen years later, Rob Salamander appears like a smug, entitled brat," I said out loud.

"I'm not entitled," Rob said.

I realized my external microphone was on and turned it off.

Agent Lace spoke. "The cult is trying to taunt us. Frank prevents any creepers from listening in."

Frank pushed a bunch of buttons, and I was partially blocked, and I worked for ten minutes to override it.

Mason's older brother, Birdie, entered the room. He appeared human except for his fairy wolf tail, which resembled Mason's. The man struggled to walk across the room. Metallic leg braces reached both of his thighs. His feathered wings were bound in a sling. "Mom, why didn't you tell me Mason was going to be involved?"

"You have been trying to get your brother a pass through the force field to visit. Birdie, you should be thankful," Agent Lace said brightly. "Surprise! It's your birthday gift."

Exasperated moans left Mason's lips, but Birdie laughed.

"I should've realized Birdie and Mason had different fathers," Rob said curtly. "I thought they were both pixies and only a little wolf."

"Did you hear that Kay's third husband left for another woman?" Lace asked. "And she really lost her hand because he was drunk and accidentally crushed her wrist. Though I believe she cut it off."

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