"I just wanna eat you up," he laughed pulling me into his wet and soap covered body.

"Bro, Can yo-," I started before he cut me off by sticking his tongue in my mouth passionately kissing me before picking me up and pressing my back up against the wall. I archer my back off the wall feeling the cold as he lowered me down a bit. I felt his tip pressing at my hole making my mouth gap open a little bit. He pressed into me making me groan before grabbing him tightly. "You really about to fuck me like a bitch? Mid air?"

"Mhm," he replied making me smack my lips.

Bitch ass nigga...
"Try it!" Cordell yelled at me as I turned my head away from him.

"No bro I don't want that shit. Fuck yo mushrooms! You eat it," I told him eating a piece of my steak. It was the next day and since we didn't hang out yesterday really he promised to make me dinner tonight and like promised he made me dinner. He bought a bottle of wine, made steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Shit was delicious, but this nigga had mushrooms on his on. I'm fine with my onions.

"Cev please? Just try a little bit of it. I promise it's good," he told me as I shook my head. "After everything I did tonight you can't try my shrooms?"

"You really about to guilt trip me to try YO food?" I asked him laughing making him laugh too. I mean it was a vibe. I had my led lights on with my normal lights off, he had a god candle lit, and we had our glasses of wine. It was a vibe for sure. I felt a little nervous and awkward at first, but he did some reassuring and I felt better. I'm really not used to this shit so I don't what to say to him and if I'm supposed to act the way k do, but he made me feel real comfy.

Just be yourself Cev. Bet that.

"I mean, if you really loved me you would try it. Just a little piece," he spoke making me roll my eyes.

"You really are insane. Like how gone try to-," I started with a smile on my face before stopping once I heard knocking on my door. I looked at the door confused wondering who it was. It's like 8 at night and Nori was with her girl and Itrez was meeting TaTa's family.

I stood up walking to my couch grabbing my gun and looking through the peephole.

What the fuck?

"David Whatchu doing here?" I asked him as he looked at me nervously.

"I uh...I ran into your mom and she was slurring her words. She could barely get them out and I really wanted to get her some help. I think she might be oding. I really need some help. I would have called an ambulance, but I thought it would cost too much and I don't really have the money for it. I mean i just gotta job cleaning up. I can't afford to get there," he spoke making me turn the lights on and open the door.

"Just wait here while I find my shoes and shit," I sighed walking to my room and grabbed my shoes and a hoodie to put on. Can't even have a date with my baby. Bullshit.

"Everything ok?" I heard as I grabbed my keys and tucked my gun into my pants.

"I gotta take my mom to the hospital...look um you can stay here. I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll call you," I spoke as he grabbed me looking me in my eyes.

"I'm not letting you go alone. Lemme be there for you. I'll put my shoes on," he spoke making me sigh.

"It's embarrassing...," I told him as he shook his head.

"You not the only person with drug addicts in their family. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed," he told me kissing my cheek walking out of the room with me. "Let's go,"

We walked out of the room and all got into my car. I started it up and drove down to the crack house hopping out and going into the house.

"Ma?" I called once I saw her lightly smacking her face. I shook her, but she wouldn't wake up still making me sigh. Come on ma...

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