Ch-08 |Group dinner

Start from the beginning

"yeah we are" Niki shared his waffle with me a while ago it tasted delicious yet again I could sense someone glaring at me from the opposite table

We waited outside while Changha was paying our bills

"let's head back to Sung's condo and meet up with the rest" Changha casually walks up to us

it looked so pretty since we were at the expensive part of the city

After a few minutes of walking Niki suddenly stopped to look around for something

"my.....where is the plushie!" Niki panicked

"did you leave it at the resturant by any chance?" Jisung says

"can any one accompany me to the resturant? I forgot my plushie there" Niki says

"sure I can go with you" I offered before the duo could agree

"thanks" Niki mumbled with a smile

"no worries" I was glad I got to spend a few minutes with him

We were about to enter the resturant when the same guy with blond hair along with Jay came up to us

"oh if its the losers again" Jay says loud enough for us to hear it

"please we don't have time for you" Niki pushes pass him to the resturant
while the guy with blond hair just watch Niki walk into the resturant

"i'm not done" Jay glares at me

"don't bother him you don't own him" I say quietly leaving before he yells

"Jay let's leave" the blond hair guy says calmly patting his back

I could see Niki questioning the waiter if he saw a plushie

"sir there was no plushie" the waiter politely says

"are you sure" I could sense how worried he was

"if we find the plushie we will inform you" the waiter says

"please do your best to find it" Niki walks up to me after he gave them his number

I still don't get why a plushie would be that important to him especially when it was given to him by a person he hardly knew for a day

We were on the streets walking towards the condo

"i'm really sorry I lost the plushie you gave me" Niki lowered his voice

"don't be it was just a plushie i'll get you more there's always gonna be a next time don't we?" I said trying to cheer him up

"still I really liked it" I guess some people really cherish the little things in life

"I promise i'll get you a new one exactly like that one" I didn't know what to say exactly

"sure anyways are you coming to the tournaments?" he changed the topic really quick like he wasn't going through a childhood trauma seconds ago

"yeah I did get the I invitation what about you" was that even correct to say but he just started to giggle

"did you forget the part where Jay said i'm gonna lose?" he just started to laugh I still didn't understand why am I stupid?

"oh yeah...anyways I know you won't lose trust me you are better than him or anyone" I said with a smile

"I wished it were true" Niki says looking at the sky

"you should just believe in yourself" I say

"i'll keep that in mind thanks" he started running leaving me behind

"hey wait for me" I say slightly laughing

"race you to Jisung's condo"
he is so adorable

"I don't even know where the heck is Jisung's condo" I yelled back trying to catch up with him

After a few minutes of running after him we were finally at Jisung's condo it was so spacious to be honestly they even had a half court for playing basketball Niki was laying on a couch pouting and fumbling about the match again and again while Chenle kept cursing at his computer screen . It was 8:30 we were planning to head over to Jay's Mansion but they keep mumbling about how this Jeno guy is still in the bathroom showering, I could hear him screaming or was he singing


hi!!! 😭
sorry for the late update
though its summer it feels more like hell
the teachers giving us stupid assignments and whatever stuff
thank you for reading
Don't forget to vote <3
Who wants to know this blond hair dude?
Why does he keep looking at Niki :)

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