Results 2

28 2 1

Alright, since not many more votes were coming in recently.

The poll of Voting 2 is now officially closed!

Now I want you all to remember just because the story to voted for didn't win this round doesn't mean it won't be written.  I will get to all of the stories in time, especially the excellent request you all left me.

Now for the winners!

For the original story, with a total of 4 votes...

A New Begining-Pokemon High School!

For request story winner with a total of 11 votes...

Total Drama Galaxy!

And as a reminder for everyone,  these stories will be drafted in my free time, writing the chapters,  and then the first chapter of each will be published as soon as two more of the stories get close to finishing.  I already have two stories planned for after The Crystal Serpent and my Guardians of the Galaxy story, both partly drafted and ready to go. 

However, I could change my mind and publish them early and update them whenever, but I prefer right now to wait so they can be regular updates.

Story TrailersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang