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Title: Team Serpent

Fandom: Naruto

Shipping: Kenji x ?

Character Information:

Name: Kenji Senju

Ability: Charka, Sensory

Ability Description:

Chakra- Life energy made up of both Spiritual and Physical energies. When combined with certain hand signs, it can create special effects known as just; some are offensive, some defensive, and other categories. There are given basic Chakra natures, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lighting. Kenji has Lighting, Wind, and Fire.

Sensory- Kenji can sense chakra at his by the vibrations in the ground like a snake or using his name summon to sense them out. He can feel them the vibrations and chakra within a radius of dozen of kilometers as well as focus on specific chakra signatures.

Summary: Kenji Senju is the child of Tsunade Senju, the slug queen, and Orochimaru, the snake Sannin. However, ever since his mother left the village, his father had fallen down a dark path. Now Kenji lives in the Hidden Sound with his father, in charge of leading a Team of Sound Gennin preparing for the invasion of the Hidden Leaf village.

Cover: Not started

Status: Not started

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