31 (Request)

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This story was requested by Agent_Henry

Title: The Electric Jaguar

Shipping Mystique x male Oc

Character Information:

Name: Xander Lewis

Abilities: Mutation: Jugar, Electrokinesis

Abilities Descriptions:

Mutation: Xander is given the body of a Jugar. He remains bipedal like a normal human, but he can travel on all fours. His strength is extreme, and other characteristics of a Jugar. He has yellowish-looking fur.

Mutation: Xander can manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting in the movement of charged particles. He can discharge large amounts of electricity to shock his opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or worse of all, stopping their hearts if he releases a massive discharge.

Summary: Xander Lewis is a young mutant on the run since he was only thirteen years old. After his own family abandoned him the day a terrible accident happened while at school. Many year's later, he runs into two men recruiting a team of mutants. Joining them, he meets Raven Darkholme, a beautiful blonde, but the most amazing thing about her is her naturally beautiful blue skin when she is not hiding her appearance. At that moment, he fell in love with Raven. (First Class -Dark Phoenix)


The cover still needs work, but I have a daft made for it

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The cover still needs work, but I have a daft made for it.

Status: Not drafted yet

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