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Story Title: The Tale of an Mysterious Uzumaki

Fandom: Naruto

Shipping: Massahi x female Haku(Still thinking about it so it can change in the future.)

Character Information:

Name: Massashi

Abilities: Charka, charka chains, Jikangan

Abilities Descriptions:

Charka- Life energy made up of both Spiritual and Physical energies. When combined with certain hand signs, it can create special effects known as just; some are offensive, some defensive, and other categories. There are given essential Chakra natures, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lighting. Massashi has Lighting and Water.

Chraka Chains- Massahi is one of the few Uzumaki users who can produce chains made out of their own chakra, which typically emerge from their torso. They control the chains as they extend outwards from their body, most commonly to wrap around targets and restrain them.The chains are extremely durable, enough that even the Nine-Tails would struggle to destroy them.They can also used to attack opponents.

Jikangan- A dojustu of Massashi's father that turns the users eye into a glowing yellow eye with a time symbol on it. It gives the user the ability to see or enter a different time period.

Summary:This is the story of Izumi Uzumaki, the mysterious nephew of Kushina Uzumaki and cousin of the well-known Knucklehead Naruto Uzumaki. Follow Izumi on a journey filled with action-pack drama as shinobi. As Naruto chased his dream to become Hokage. Izumi is trying to learn more about the past and who he truly is while discovering his way of the Shinobi.

Cover: Not started yet.

Story Status: Not started

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