Chapter 8 return from past

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Mildred walked through the mist and ended back up in her time and walked through the door all her friends where standing in front of her Maud asked "where did you go?" Mildred said "can we go somewhere quiet I know everybody fold your arms" and so Mildred and all her vanished to the library Enid was shocked "how did you do that? HB did that yesterday for surprised potion class and now you can do it? Mildred "well it is quite a long story and I now know who was the first student to die from dragon pox and who my mum and dad were" all her friends were shocked.

Maud jumping up and down "MILDRED please tell us" Mildred said "Sorry you have to wait for the presentation on Friday" Jade "aw but it's only Tuesday"

All the girls walked to their rooms Mildred did her act again to go straight to her room when she was almost settled a knock on her door Mildred "come in and make it quick" Mrs Cackle walked in "Mildred where did you go when you walked through the mist?" Mildred looked at Mrs Cackle " I am really sorry but I promised my friends I wouldn't say anything until my presentation" disheartened Cackle said " okay must be a really good presentation can't wait to hear it" so Mildred fell asleep dreaming of her adventure Tuesday she asked Mrs Cackle if the nurse could come back I got something to say to her so Mrs Cackle rang her up and she arrived Mrs Cackle said Mildred wanted to talk to you so the nurse went to see her Mildred said " hey I know what is the secret you had to keep, my surname Hubble thanks for dropping me off at my family house" the nurse said " Your welcome Mildred " then Mildred gave her a smile and the nurse went away again all day Thursday Mildred wrote down every details of her adventure .

On Wednesday she asked miss cackle if she allowed to go travelling miss cackle allowed it for the next two days before presentation.

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