chapter 7 the new mist

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Mildred walked out the classroom and went to the library before going back to her room she read some books and found one that an old wizard put a spell on the castle and a mist would take the student to where there true heart's desire Mildred found this interesting so she went to her room and fell asleep.

In the morning a mist filled the castle Mildred looked outside her window and thought to tell Mrs Cackle that this mist is not dangerous and before she knew she was sitting at Mrs Cackle desk Mrs Cackle jumped " Mildred how did you do that?" Mildred said "this is what I am trying to work out. This mist at the castle only appears if a witch is lost and doesn't understand so please can I go and find out why? "Mrs Cackle allowed Mildred to go so she walked outside and into the mist and saw before her own eyes Cackles back when it wasn't Cackles but Witch and Wizard school she though the sight was amazing and couldn't wait to explore she noticed she was floating she started to panicked the she realized she was a ghost she wondered why she was a ghost then fought maybe there are two of me and the other me in my mother stomach which means a student or teacher is pregnant with me. So she could just watch what was going on around her. She floated inside and saw a beautiful young girl. The girl looked a lot like herself; she then began to ponder if this girl was her mum. She then saw a handsome boy rushing toward the girl the boy shouted '' wait Constance slow down we are alone you can tell me now" the young girl looked nervously at the boy " okay I will tell I am expecting a baby and you are the father" the boy shocked " wait a minute you mean to tell I am going to be a dad how are you keeping this hidden surely lots of teachers would notice plus our friends as well " Constance said " I have been using a magic spell it's strong enough so no one can notice "Mildred wanted to faint Miss Hardbroom is her mum but why couldn't see this young boy in the future. This pondered Mildred I guess I have to stay until I find out why Mildred saw the days go so quickly then dragon pox enter the castle Mildred though this must be when the first ever dragon pox entered the building but not everyone awake I the boy is okay so Mildred wondered around the castle to find him she couldn't him nowhere then she saw Constance worried all the boys and girls got there shot Constance rushed to Mrs Cackle " Toby still has not got his shot he's unwell in his room" so the nurse went straight to Toby's room and opened the door to find that dragon pox all over his body and went to check his pulse the pupil was in fact died Constance walked to Toby's room and looked at the nurse " is Toby okay?" The nurse looked really sad " I am sorry there was nothing I can do he passed away in his sleep this morning " Constance was really sad and cried and Mrs Cackle appeared "nurse what has happened?" The nurses explain that she was too late for Toby he has died in his sleep. Mildred wanted rush up to Constance and hug her no wonder she disheartened in the present she missed her boyfriend then Mildred what happened to her?

he was the first kid to be affected Mrs Cackle was very upset and saw Constance standing there and " I knew Toby and you were best friends I am sorry" Constance looked at Mrs Cackle and said " I was going to show him I can appear out of nowhere and think where I want to go "Mrs Cackle said " that's a neat trick I am sure Mrs Broomhead will love to see you perform that trick to her" the nurse said " I must be going I will drop by to Toby's family to tell the sad news I have given all the students my number in case anyone wants to talk about what has happened " Mrs Cackled than the nurse disappeared none noticed that Toby woke up and disappeared made exact duplicate of himself and he sneaked out of the window and back to Hogwarts Mildred stayed another 8 months on the early morning of 2nd July Constance called the nurse in a few seconds she arrived at the first aid room " Constance what's wrong tell me " shyly Constance said " what ever happened in these walls we keep secret I am about to give birth I am just 17" the nurse was shocked " congratulations I will help you " so Constance gave birth to a beautiful baby girl the nurse asked " do you want to hold her and name her" Constance said " I will hold her but not name her I want her to be adopted I promised Toby to look after her but I can't do it on my own " the nurse understood " what would you call her?" Constance thought for a while and said "Tanya Connie Hardbroom" the nurse thought it was a lovely name she carried the baby and disappeared Mildred followed her and saw the nurse drop the baby of to a younger version of her parents she finally knew what happened to.

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