chapter 6 Mildred new discovery

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So everyone walked to their rooms Maud was talking to Mildred "how did you manage that you are usually terrible at potions?" Mildred wondered "I have no clue just something inside me kicked in and I managed to do the potion" Enid said "maybe it's your real mothers gift to be excellent at potion? Plus I like your new look unfortunately I can't picture the two wizard and witch you are supposed to relate to"

All the girls practice writing what they need to gather Miss Hardbroom was talking to Mrs Cackle in her office with Mrs bat and Mrs drill "I can't believe what Mildred did in my classroom today" Imogen asked "what did Mildred do now?" Constance said "she managed a perfect wide awake potion and understood the ingredients to make a dreamless potions as well" Davina and Imogen were surprised " wow that's incredible maybe she has been paying attention to your classes after all" Davina replied and the rest of the teachers pondered Amelia " I wonder how spectacular her project is going to be?"

The lunch bell rang everyone walked to the lunch room Maud shouted at Mildred room "it's lunch time Mildred see you down there" Mildred "ok I am just finishing of my speech see you down there" Mildred was too much engrossed with her speech she didn't realise her tummy was rumbling and she disappeared from her seat at her desk and went straight to lunch room hall where everyone gasped "Mildred how did you do that? "Mildred looked up and saw Enid and everyone else "huh where am I? "then she looked on the table where food was coming in " oh my god how did I get down here I was writing in my room and somehow got here "Maud said " you arrived how HB usually arrived I thought you were her when you arrived out of nowhere" Mildred gasped "please say no teachers saw me" Ruby said " no thank goodness" so all the girls were eating and Miss Hardbroom arrived all the girls except Mildred jumped out there seat "honestly girls I have been doing this long enough you should know by now when I come in"

The girls resumed eating Enid looked at Mildred " Hey Mildred why didn't you jumped when Miss Hardbroom arrived you usually do?" Mildred thought "well I don't know that's weird I usually do" Mildred pondered for a while and couldn't understand it.

Miss Hardbroom vanished to her class room Mildred said "see you later I am going to go back to my room" and before she could stand she vanished straight there all the girls including Ethel gasped Ethel walked towards Maud and asked " how did Mildred do that?" Maud look surprised and said " I have no clue I don't understand it" and rushed to Mildred and knocked on her door Mildred said "Come in" Maud said "you know you did it again" Mildred looked at her " I know I keep doing it what's wrong with me?" Maud looked puzzled "maybe you should asked Mrs Hardbroom " Mildred looked terrified " I guess you are right okay going to the potion lab" Mildred vanished and arrived inside the potion lab for the first time Miss Hardbroom jumped " Mildred how on earth did you do that?" Mildred looked at Miss Hardbroom " this is why I am here I just think and I go to the place I am thinking" Now Miss Hardbroom pondered " that's interesting no 6th girls should be able to do it I mean I could do it at the age of 16 I wonder why you can do it now?" Mildred looked at her shocked and then remembered what Enid said that daughters can do what their parent can do she thought no I can't be related to Miss Hardbroom it's impossible how would I get a proof Mildred said " I guess I have to work it out if you don't I will just walked back to the room and ponder for a bit" Miss Hardbroom nodded " if you find out why please tell me"

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