chapter 4 change appearance

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Then Mrs Cackle went over to Mildred. "Would you like to look like your real parents?" Mildred looked up and said "Yes please, that would be amazing." So they both walked to Cackle's office and went inside. Mrs Cackle did the spell in which Mildred later on said "I don't feel different." Mrs Cackle smiled, "You won't feel any different until tomorrow." So Mildred went off to find her friends and asked "What are you guys doing for the projects?" Enid said "A levitation potion that works on witches, so I don't have to use a spell." Maud said "An easier way to teach a cat how to naturally sit on a witches broom." Mildred loved that idea and added "Can you teach Tabby that if you can perfect it." Maud laughs "Of course. I can try." Ruby said that she was making a potion that makes magic food taste like the real deal, and Jadu mentioned that she was making a rainbow potion. Mildred said "I guess you know what my project is. It is to find my real mum and dad." All of her friends were pleased and interested in how she was going to do it. Enid stated "Well everyone's parents can individually do something different. My mum can change her cat's appearance. So that's why I can do the same." With that thought in mind, Mildred thought if she could also do anything different but nothing came to mind. Dinner arrived in the main hall and all the students went to bed.

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