thats the plan...lets hope it goes like that...the goblin stated. 

sure my lord...we need to have a nice drink too....the old person smiled and laughed elegantly, and goblin did too. 

that time when God bestowed the blessing or moreover the punishment of becoming a goblin, the last villager which was there, certainly served goblin until his last breath, and after him, his grandson served the goblin until his last, and his grandson did the same. and such pattern of serving continued until now, and the ones who are remined at present, were this old person and his grandson, mix, defining that goblin was the ultimate lord for whom they have been serving for centuries and many, many generations. 



Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

It was the alarm ringing at win's phone, vibrating under his pillow, giving him the waking up signal to wash and get ready for another weird and awkward day. he rushed to the bathroom and cleaned himself, wore his high school uniform and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, for him, and for the other people at home, namely the women who called herself as win's mom's sister, and her two devils, also the siblings of win. 

One man...two ladies... breakfast is said with a higher voice so that it will reach the people who was announced to come for the breakfast. but there was no reply, so he repeated. 

breakfast is ready...saying that with a louder voice, he quickly chugged something down his throat, while waiting at the kitchen, as there will be no one to sit with him at the table, to enjoy the breakfast as a family. 

ahhh...why are you making so much noise early in the dumb shit... it was the so-called brother of win who came with an annoyed face. this was not new to win, so he bear it up. 

huh...why the breakfast is so special it someone's bday.... it was the sister who came while wiping her face with a towel, walking near to the table. 

bingo...its this werido's's aunt said and sat aroung the table. win heard all the things said, but this was not new to him, as this was happening inside this house, for almost 10 years, so he knew the drill. 

i dont know how this fucker celebrates his bday at the same day his so calle dmom died....aunt continued where win who was done with his little breakfast came out from the kitchen. 

thank you for the bday wishes said as he knew that no good word would come out from her, and he never expected too. so he just went to the room to pack his bags, and go to school, more precisely, out of this house. 

i am out to said with whatever tone, as actually there was no one to care about win's presence too. he opened the front door, and it was pouring, poor win, didn't got any umbrella for himself. he looked at the three umbrellas at the corner, they were the belongings of the other people who were there at the house. 

I'll kill you if you take exclaimed so to reach win's ears and win heard it loud and clear. So, he just walked while getting wet under the pouring rain, as there was no option for him to do. 


win was not much pleased by his school mates too, as he was known as the ghost tracker, because everyone knew that he could see ghosts.  win don't know how it came publicly that he can see ghosts, but he believes that it must have been something that was done by his siblings, but he didn't care. as long as he can study here, he was okay, with whatever happened in the school. 

Bright win: The lonely god and his brideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora