16. Thread the Needle

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I carefully walked behind Max and Elisabeth as we made our way to the Laboratory, observing the surroundings and people around us. Since the announcement of the Extraction, the atmosphere of student life changed entirely. Most were excited—especially the older kids. They wanted to leave the academy fast to initiate their missions. They were planning routes of escape, location guesses, and training. However, those who had only been here for a few years showed anxiety and unsureness. These groups of kids had only recently come from the outside world, just to be placed right back in. I didn't see those new faces as often as I did before, but whenever I came across one, nowadays they looked lost in space.

Including Max and Elisabeth.

While pacing through the isolated hallways, metal framing, and tile floors of the Twilight Course, I examined the two students ahead of me. Usually, they'd playfully talk to each other with kind mannerisms, but this time, both were quiet. You could hear a pin hit the ground. Elisabeth was playing with her hair and picking at her thumb instead of keeping her hands inside her pockets. She was fidgety about this appointment. Max's demeanor had changed alongside her, his eyes fizzing with alertness. He began to force his stance to become tall and proud, as he'd occasionally slip back into slouching. Something new, in particular, that I noticed during our late practice sessions is that he started rubbing his thumb against his middle finger in a circular motion. Whether or not that meant he was bored and needed stimulation or something to twiddle—My concerns for both grew as we came closer to the examination room.


I adjusted the gloves on my hands and started sanitizing all the equipment I'd be using. My head was racing with unsure thoughts of possibility, whether or not I could get something out of this meeting. I looked around the room while sterilizing to try and give my mind one unit to focus on. As part of the Twilight Course, the administration team gave me a small laboratory to observe how the human body reacted to different chemicals. It provided a controlled environment to experiment using various measurements, material mesh, and testing tools for subjects. It was a quaint room with a white, polished floor and dark blue walls. There were drawings of crayons splattered on them from kids I had not met before. There were grey cabinets and counters, a frame that held the standard tools for a doctor, an x-ray camera hanging on the ceiling, a slow-working computer, and an exam table for the patient to sit on. The only clients I ever had in this room were Peisely, Dr. Greenwall, and kids from my class whenever we had group projects.

But now I was taking on somebody I didn't know.

When I finished cleaning the tools, I noticed Peisely was standing at the door with an anxious heart. She was anticipating their arrival. While examining her mannerisms, I saw she wore an outfit similar to mine with dark blue jeans and a regular white shirt. But my appearance of confidence differed from her look of uneasiness. I went up to her after preparing the room. I wanted to initiate a conversation about a specific matter, but she stopped me first with honesty.

"Elliot, I hear it," Peisely said briefly. Her eyes were still staring at the door with her hands stuck to her sides.

I came closer. With a monotone voice, I replied, "The beeping sound, I presume."

She nodded. "The ringing started getting louder a few seconds ago, but it's also getting faster." She turned her head to me, "There is something wrong with the girl."

"Oh? A girl?" I said with a hint of sarcasm and shock.

Suddenly, she face-palmed and got taken out of her trance. "I forgot to tell you, didn't I? Sorry, I've just been busy since the announcement. It must've escaped my mind." She stood thinking, "If I remember correctly... her name was Elisabeth Alarcon. She's the shy type, and the mentor seems pretty protective of her, so please don't do anything to tick them off."

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