12. A Quiet Sacrifice

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Clement's POV

December 13th

Elisabeth tugged on my shirt and stood close to me. She asked with a soft voice, "Mx. Devon? I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure this is safe for Max?"

I turned my head to look at the young boy, watching him struggle and exhaust his efforts. I gave Max a goal during this particular practice: In the training room we were assigned, there were various platforms, ropes, acrobatic equipment, and elliptical machines. In the corner of the building was a massive rock climbing wall, though smaller than the ones we would use in the Black Wing classes. After witnessing Max's arm strength and speed on the first day of the Collection Phase, I wanted to analyze his stamina and leg coordination. Thus, I ordered him to climb to the top of the barrier and begin jumping sideways until he'd hit a dead end, then return to the other side by ascending in the opposite direction. There were mats on the floor to catch him in case his hands slipped off a rock and fell. However, if his back hit the ground, he had to run five miles in thirty minutes as punishment. The cycle would repeat until he could go back and forth on the wall for ten rounds.

I gave way to Elizabeth's concern. When paying attention to Max's state, he was tired, sweat dripping down his forehead. His speed had decreased because of the tiresome jumping, falling, and climbing. However, the teen had a bright smile on his face the whole time. His eyes flared with determination. Any normal kid would be trembling at the sight of the wall, but Max endured this challenge and conquered his new problem with iron fists.

I answered the young girl, "This is just an evaluation of how strong the other parts of his body are. I don't expect him to do ten rounds on the rock climbing wall on our first day. With those five miles I gave him, he's giving out. He's already a great athlete, but there is always room for improvement and conditioning."

"Okay," she mumbled, "but I'm just worried that the falling is hindering his scars."

I sighed at the blatant fact, "Honestly, I was also a little concerned about that." I paused and thought, "Maybe we should call him to ask about possible muscle pain. Anyways, he's due for a break. That kid has been going at this for almost two hours now."

With Elisabeth by my side, we reached the bottom of the rock climbing wall. That conversation was the first time I got to talk with her privately, but she didn't prove to be a conversationalist. The girl was reserved, quiet, and concerned about her surroundings. With her blue eyes and majestic black hair, her twilight appearance paired well with a shy attitude. She gave honest responses and saved her voice unless asked specific questions. I was learning more and more about her character as practice continued.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, "Max! Come down and take a break! Come down and relax!"

The boy looked down at us while taking hefty breaths, coming down the wall. It seemed as if resolution lit a fire in his eyes. Max appeared like a warrior, savoring a long battle's victory and the celebration of returning home. After he was done and stood in front of us, I saw that the boy's hair drooped and his hands were bright red. His breathing was rapid and random. You could hear his heartbeat drumming in quick patterns, and the fighter's voice was unsteady from the treacherous exercise.

With his hands on his knees, he stuttered a 'thank you' before coughing and exhausting his lungs. Elisabeth placed his arm around her shoulders, carefully carrying him to the other side of the room. As I walked behind them, I suddenly became surprised to hear Elisabeth talking so much to Max. She first expressed her concerns about the rock climbing wall and expected him to respond. But once she saw how much he struggled to speak, she immediately understood and took charge of the interaction by commenting on other subjects and making him smile. The boy let out stifled chuckles while Elisabeth grinned as brightly as the sun. My heart softened at their close friendship, and I accepted their diverse personalities.

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