Chapter 15

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Watching Starr and JJ kiss set off something primal inside of me that wanted to tear him apart. It was like a kick to the balls and a taste Karma, pun intended. Because that was who Jay was stuffing his tongue into earlier, I saw Starr watch them as she pretended not to care. I knew playing Z's game would bite us in the ass, and it did.

If they wanted to play that game, they can count me out because I was very interested in Starr. I watched as JJ whispered something into her ear and she lead him outside. I was about to go after them and kick his ass but the girls that surrounded Z and Jay swarmed on me too. I looked at the guys and they were just as angry. I scoffed and pushed myself away.

I could hear my name being called but I ignored it and went to find Starr. It was hard getting through the crowd, this place was fucking packed and I started to feel claustrophobic. I went to the bar to grab a cold drink and searched for any of the new kids.

Where the hell were they? The music changed and I would admit, the DJ they hired was sick. Cheers went up and I rocked my head with the beat, the urge to smoke something when I get antsy... no.. I can do this.

I haven't picked up a smoke in a year, but this damn pissy jealous feeling is hard to ignore. I continued to look around for them, and thought about her room. Is she a girl to give it up with anyone? I mean, she could do anything she wants... that thought made my stomach drop. Maybe she was like us, I couldn't judge her for it, and... and I didn't want her with anyone else.

I made my way upstairs, looking in each of the rooms. Clearly everything is off limits up here due to no one littering the halls. This was a big house, a very nice one too. The first room had more guy stuff so I checked the next one. This one was more of greys and pink which didn't suit Starr, so I closed the door and went to the next. A bathroom. The next one was a bigger room, twice as big than the others and smelled of fruity perfumes. It had two queen sized beds and my thoughts were on the twins... it must be theirs.

Two doors were small closets that had towels and beddings.

I went to the next and it was another guys room. I was jealous, if I was Goldie Locks then hell yeah this would be my style of a room. The room was in dark blues, light greys and white. It had a more playful vibe with many things in it. Tv, games, some art tools, variety of books... I walked in to get a closer look. Which brother is into-... I saw a picture on the desk next to a laptop. It was of a little boy with blonde hair, a striking resemblance to the man who's holding him. This is Shiloh's room.

As much as I wanted to explore more, I couldn't risk getting caught. I went back to the hall and debated which room could be Starr's, I walked all the way to the end and went with my gut feeling. I opened the door and went inside. It smelled of her instantly. I closed the door behind me and went to look around, she had a balcony door which was slightly open and I can hear the party. The lighting in here was different than the other rooms, not too bright nor too dim.

She had a couple of posters up, fairy lights, the room had big two stripes of red and black that lines the center of the walls all around, the rest were white. Her room looked like a master bedroom too, a full bathroom connected and a lot of music stuff. An egg chair that looked hella comfortable to sit in. A huge giraffe stuffed animal thing that stood in one corner next to sitting lion and a black panther laying down.There was a nice stand that held her book collection and a couple of photos.

There were some of her with different men, some with little kids, and some with her siblings. There was a picture of an older man, maybe a grandfather with Starr on his back. She was a cute kid. Another picture caught my attention. A women with blue-, no... with violet eyes, blue-violet?. She was beautiful, with different shades of blonde hair and smile that was so enchanting. She had some of Starr's features. I bet this was their mother.

They looked like a great family, although I'm curious about the pictures of her and older men, I didn't want to think too much on it. I was about to explore her closet when the door opened and I jumped, my heartrate going back to normal after seeing who it was. "What the fuck guys? You scared the shit out of me!" I whispered yelled.

They quickly closed the door behind them and took a look around, I wanted to scoff at them. "Did you find them? Are they still together?" Jay asked picking up a big binder. It was filled with music sheets.

"No, thought maybe she was up here." I said clenching my fists as I leaned against the frame of her bathroom.

"I'm going to kick JJ's ass once I get him alone," Z said glaring at the photos of the older men. Wonder what he thought about it?

"Oh really? Looks like you got a taste of Karma, isn't that what you wanted? To ruff her up or whatever? Something tells me Starr can play at our game too. If she can then she's beating us already." I said, taking a deep breath. What were we doing?

"You might be right. I still want to mess with her though. This family just thinks they can run the school on their first day. Something's up, and I don't think we need to become a part of it. They're a big family, which means big drama." Jay supplied.

"Look at you, all communitive and shit," I said, watching him closely. He's usally really quiet and keeps to himself, especially at parties. I was about to open her dresser drawer when the girl in question walks in with that asshole behind her.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here? Gentlemen, are you lost?" she said, her tone laced with disappointment.

Oh shit. How are we to explain this? and why the fuck did she bring him into her room? The imagination of them together rolled my stomach, that ball of fury was back making me want to strangle JJ.

"There you are Starr, we've been looking for you." I said giving her my best smile, I'm sure she saw right passed it though.


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