7 / Eggshell

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I woke up with a headache. I guess I might have been thinking too much last night. I have to take a shower. I don't want to. But, I don't want to smell, either.

I got up and grabbed my clothes to go take a shower. I picked up the bras that I had mashed together last night. Thinking about it, this thing really cannot be good for my health. But, I've done a lot of things that weren't good for my health before. Plus, it's only gonna be on for a little while.

I took my shower, got out, and got dressed. The water pressure made my headache go away, so that's good I guess. Staring at myself in the mirror, I'm starting to realize how much this actually sucks. Maybe I shouldn't tell anyone. Maybe it'll be better if nobody knows. But, if I just tell Craig (and maybe tell Stan) then it should be fine. It's a lot better than keeping it bottled up. I put my hair up in a bun, it makes it look shorter than a ponytail does, and headed downstairs.

"Kylie, hon, why don'tcha have some breakfast? You've gotta be starving, you went to bed without eating last night," my mom said when she saw me come down.

"No, it's alright, I don't wanna be late," I reply. I'm scared that if I stay around for too long I'll end up spilling everything. It's too soon for that. I grab my jacket and my hat off of the coat rack and search for my shoes.

"Alright, well, have a good day bubby."

"You too, Mom," I finally find my shoes, throw them on and run out the door. I don't wanna be the last one at the bus stop today. If I am, I'll be caught in the middle of some stupid argument.

Once I got near the bus stop, I noticed that it was just Stan. Weird. Kenny's normally the first one here. He sees me walking over and covers his mouth, like he's choking something back. He gulped whatever it was down as hard as he could. "Ky, hey," he said once I got closer.

"Hey, dude." I say, stopping to stand next to him. "Where's Kenny? He's normally here before you."

"I think he stayed over at Butters' place last night, he's probably just getting a ride from the Stotches." Stan rubbed his eyes. He looked greasy. That sounds like I'm being mean, but it's true.

"Stan, did you not take a shower?" I asked him, poking his arm. Even I took one, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"No. I mean- I was going to. But I woke up late, and I have a headache, and Shelly was rushing me-"

Knowing that he's going to keep rambling unless somebody else starts talking, I cut him off, "Okay. Okay. I get it. But take one when you get home. Jesus Christ, you fucking smell."

He laughs. "By the way, me and Wendy made up. I think we're cool now."

"Oh," I say, "are you guys back together?"

"Nah, I think she's into Tolkien now. Good for him, I guess."

Why did I feel so worried that they got back together? Oh, god. Maybe I do like Stan. This is so fucking confusing.


I hate english. It's such a boring class. The teacher put on a film today, though, so I've kind of just been playing on my phone. I really want to talk to Craig, but I haven't had any classes with him. Besides lunch. But he sits with his friends so I couldn't exactly have a good conversation then. Then again, I can probably just text him. God, why didn't I think of that.

craig I send, and after waiting for a few seconds, dude

What? He replies, after like a minute.

what class r u in?

Skipping. Bathroom by Mackey's office.

stay there lol I put my phone in my pocket and walk to the teacher's desk. "Ms Ellen, can I use the bathroom?"

"Make it quick, Kylie, class is almost over," She says, filling out a hall pass and handing it to me.

I put the pass in my pocket and make my way across the school to mr. Mackey's office. I go into the bathroom and almost immediately I'm hit with the smell of smoke.

"Is smoking all you do when you skip? Holy fuck," I ask, causing Craig to turn around.

"There isn't really much else," he shrugs, taking another puff.

"Are you the only one in here?" I roll up my sleeves, it's hot in here.

Tweek pokes his head out from inside one of the bathroom stalls. "Hey," he says, followed by one of his screech-shout-things.

"Hey, Tweek. Uh- do you think you could maybe chill in the hallway for a few minutes? I need to talk to Craig about something."

"Oh- yeah- sorry," he exits the bathroom stall and heads past me to the hallway, leaving just me and Craig in the room.

"So, what's this about?" Craig asks, leaning against the windowsill that's on the back wall.

"I think you were right," I say, quietly, crossing my arms, "y'know, about the whole, 'not a girl' thing?"

"Okay, cool."

"What, that's it?" I ask. My heart is racing. I didn't think this would be- like- scary? And all he has to fucking say is "cool." God.

"What else did you want?" He puts his cigarette out. "I mean, I'm happy you figured it out, but I don't really have anything else to say. You gonna tell anyone else?"

"I want to. But- I don't think I know how?"

"Well, you told me. That's something."

"I know, but there are people who might not react like you did. Like- my parents. And Stan. I really care about them- and what if they don't like me anymore?"

"Hey, calm down, you're tearing up," he walks a bit closer to me, "Listen, I can guarantee you that Stan won't care. And, if your parents are dickheads, mine aren't. So, just give me a call, y'know?"

I was actually starting to cry. "Thanks, dude. Um- do you think you can just call me 'Ky' instead of 'Kylie' for now?" I wipe my face and my eyes.

"Whatever you want" he says, picking up his backpack. The bell rings. Shit. I have to go get my things from Ms. Ellen's room.

"Girl." / styleWhere stories live. Discover now