4 / Crushes

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I got a warning from Mr. Garrison for not making it back before the bell. Nothing too bad, but if it happens again I'll get lunch detention. And he'll call my mother. So, that sucks.

Lunch is the period directly following math, so that means I get to see Stan again after he ran out. I wonder why he got all nauseous, that only used to happen around Wendy. Maybe he's just nervous.

I normally sit with Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Tolkien, and Craig at lunch, so I went to find them. I was late so I thought they would give away me seat, but Stan saved it for me.

"Sorry, I had to get my things from Garrison's room." I say, taking my seat in between Stan and Craig.

"It's cool, but we had to fight Cartman to keep your seat" Stan replies, laughing.

Everyone already got their lunches, so they were all eating. Except for Craig, who seemed a bit distracted. He was staring at the table next to ours, where Bebe, Clyde, and Tweek were sitting.

"Craig, what the fuck are you staring at?" Cartman asks, twisting his body around to see. "Is it Bebe? Dude, you know she's dating Clyde, right? Plus, she's like waaaay out of your league."

"...I'm gay, Cartman."

"Oh shit, really? You don't, like, have a crush on me, do you?"

"I swear to god we go over this once a week. No, I don't, fatass." Craig rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Frankly, I don't think anyone would ever like you." I add.

"Shut up, Kylie-" Ew. "-You're just jealous that nobody likes you 'cause you're a stupid Jew." Cartman defends himself, then turns back to Craig. "Anyways, if you're not looking at Bebe who're you looking at? Is it Clyde? He's like, super out of your league, y'know."

"Ew, god no." Craig shakes his head, picking up his sandwich to start eating.

"Well then who the fuck is it? There's like nobody else over there." Cartman says, almost yelling.

"What makes you so sure I was even looking at someone? I was staring at the fucking wall."

"Nobody just stares at the fucking wall. Not unless they're, like, psycho."

"You really need to get outside more, fatass." Craig flips Cartman off and the conversation deflects. But he was definitely looking at someone, I don't think he would've let the conversation go on for as long as it did if he wasn't. I looked back up at the table and saw Tweek staring over here, though he looked away right when he saw me. Huh.

After lunch I had to go to gym, which I think is the worst period. 'Cause everyone smells, and you have to change in the sweaty locker rooms, and everyone has to see you change. You could just not change but then your normal clothes smell and you get points taken off for not having appropriate clothing.

I figured I could just skip today, though. None of the boys change because they only know how to wear gym clothes, even though It's cold outside, so I'll hide in the boy's locker room like I did earlier. Once everyone was in the gym room, I ducked inside the locker room and sat down in the back of the room. I dug some of my homework out of my backpack to keep me occupied until the period ended, plus if I did it now I wouldn't have anything to do once I got home.

And although I had my homework to occupy me, I still kept thinking about things. I hate thinking about things. Like how my head reacts badly to being called Kylie. I don't know why it does that, I've been Kylie all my life. It never did that before, I don't think. But it seems like everyone has gotten more adamant about me being a girl. But I know I'm a girl. Of course I am. And then there's the crush on Stan that I have to think about. Though liking a boy seems odd. Like, the way things are now I couldn't see myself dating a boy. Holy shit, am I gay? No, maybe it's just because I've known Stan for so long. I should ask Craig or something, he should know. I should also get back to my homework, 'cause I know my focus will be worse at home.

A little while into the period I heard somebody coming in. I grabbed my things and ran into the shower room to hide, incase it was a teacher.

"I've never skipped a class before- oh god- what if we get caught? They're gonna realize we're gone-"

"Dude, calm down. Nobody's gonna come in. Nobody checks the locker rooms. But, if you're that scared we can go back to class?"

Wait a minute, I recognize those voices. I walked to the front of the shower room to see who it was. And yeah, just like I thought, it was Tweek and Craig. Though I don't know why somebody like Tweek would skip. I walk out of the showers, though they're talking to each other so they don't really see me. It feels really fucking awkward just standing here looking at them.

"Hey, you guys," I say, catching their attention, "What're you guys doing in here?"

"Skipping? What does it look like we're doing?" Craig responds.

"I didn't even think you guys were friends." I say back.

"Anyways, what are you doing in here? You're, like, a girl."

Ew. "Oh, yeah. About that part, can I talk to you? In private maybe?" I ask, and Craig looks back confused. "It doesn't have to be now, since you guys are here or whatever, but maybe after school?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll wait outside for you."

"Okay cool."

Everyone just stands there silent for a bit, minus Tweek's weird vocal things.

"I'll go then," I say to break the silence, grabbing my backpack. "You two have fun in here, I'll see you later Craig."

I walk out of the locker room and just go into the girl's bathroom for the rest of the period. Why did I have to say 'have fun', that's just fucking weird. Anyways, I finished up the homework I was working on and eventually the bell rang.

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