Chapter 11: Australia

Start from the beginning

I took my gun out and loaded it frantically as I ran as fast I could. "Fucking give it up, girl!" They sounded like those guys on the streets that would holler at you on any given night. Man I hated those guys.

I turned around and pointed my gun at them, running backwards. Wasn't the smartest decision but I needed to keep my pace. Where the fuck are the others?

I halted and they started to walk towards me slowly. "The fuck you gonna do? Shoot all seven of us?" One of the guys asked, making the rest laugh and chuckle like cocky idiots. I wanted to kick their balls so hard. And that's when I started to scream like a maniac and charge at them.


"Holy fuck, that chick's crazy, back up!" Two of the men ran away which gave me a chance to get to the others.

I jumped onto the tall one's back and hit his head with my gun. I don't give a fuck if I give him a concussion, he messed with the wrong bitch.

"Ow! Jacob, help me!"

Another guy tried to pull me off but I kicked him backwards in the abdomen, making him fall. I shot the tall guy's leg and made him drop before getting off.

"Crazy bitch!" A third guy charged at me and I grabbed him by the arms and threw him to the side. I'm a boxer but I could totally pass as a wrestler if I got the chance.

I stomped on that guy's back and blew his back up with my gun, literally.

The second guy charged at me, making me elbow him in the armpit before a fourth guy came after me from the front. I kicked him in the dick and he hissed, holding his crotch and stumbling around.

"Mom..mommy!! Oh my poor balls.."

I grabbed the second guy from behind me and body slammed him onto the tall guy. God, I wish I knew their names so I wouldn't have to keep saying guy. I heard a crack, one of them probably broke their backs. Where'd the fifth guy go?


I turned around and saw Chan beating the fuck out of the fifth guy. No mercy.

After beating that guy to a pulp, Chan walked over to me. "You alright, Y/n?" I nodded my head before he took my hand and suddenly made a run with me. I was confused at why we were suddenly running and then I looked back and saw a shit ton of other men chasing after us.

Holy fuck, what kind of army is this? We ran so fucking fast, my legs went numb.

"Come on, we can make it to the others if we run fast enough!" I was starting to lose my breath. How was I supposed to not fall behind in this? Even if Chan was holding my hand, I slowed down. And that's when Chan stopped suddenly and then hauled me onto his back. He started to run quickly while carrying me on his back. "Woo! Free piggyback ride!"

Chan scoffed, obviously annoyed at my response. Yet he looked determined with a serious look on his face.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands under my legs so I wouldn't fall off. "You're running so fast, I feel like I'm riding a horse!" Wait. That did not come out right.

Chan laughed loudly. I embarrassed myself completely while we're literally getting chased. "You wanna ride something better than a horse!?" Chan shouted and I smacked him on the back of the head, earning a scowl from him.

After a while of running and twists and turns, we finally got to the members, running out of the forest.

Chan kept carrying me even though I said I could walk. I'm so sure he'll get severe back pain after. He was sweating a lot, but he oddly didn't smell bad. His cologne wasn't wearing off at all from the sweat.

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