The situation was quite hard to process. The young shaman cannot even comprehend such possibilities. However, curiosity took over him first as he hesitantly follow Kiku to witness the commotion taking place by the courtyard.

What greets them is a gruesome scene. Yūji was taken aback at the sight of a child kneeling before a samurai they call Shingen. Reddened marks and fresh wounds covers the child's arms and legs, blood slowly spilling into the concrete he pathetically kneels in. Itadori Yūji knew of him - without the mention of his name nor without lifting his head, Yūji knew it in his soul; this is the undisputed King of Curses. Even so, his young heart cannot bear to witness this violence as Yūji closes his eyes at the sound of the whip hitting the boy's skin. Despite his hatred, this is something he cannot stomach.

"You filthy rat!" Shingen yells before raising his hand once again, ready to strike the already trembling boy. Yūji heard a few gasp from the other servants who were watching, occasionally flinching over the sound yet they just stood there, pity in their eyes yet none have the courage nor the will to end this horrific scene.

One of the servants however - the one lady who was glaring at the samurai with tears by the brims of her eyes finally turned away and walked back to the estate. It was the most decent action this group of bystanders can muster, and it is saddening.

"How dare you steal from Lady Chiyo?!" Another crack of the whip filled the air of the estate as chatter grew louder.

However, as Itadori Yūji noticed - Ryōmen Sukuna obediently kept his head down. Not a single sound, a single whimper, a single plea came out of the curse's mouth. He kneeled in front of the samurai, and took the beating without even defending himself nor did he react to the violent action. The boy's blank expression and indifference pisses Shingen off more than Sukuna's actual crimes. As for Yūji, it was quite odd as he knew Sukuna to be quite a violent and spiteful being who will never just sit as he receives punishment.

"SPEAK!" Shingen ordered, yelling at the boy once again, yet Sukuna still kept his mouth shut. The deafening silence felt as if it was mockery, and it infuriated the elder even more.

"ARE YOU DEAF?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DEFY MY ORDER?!" It was only then that Sukuna raised his head. A familiar sensation ran across Yūji's body as he witness the scene unfold - a strange chilling sensation that runs through his spine whenever Sukuna's overwhelming power is about to overtake. It was then, any doubt that ran through his mind were erased - the boy in front of him is truly the undisputed King of Curses.

"Does it matter if I defend myself?" The boy answers weakly, an end of his lips curving into a smirk before he winces at the pain. "You do not want justice for whatever you are accusing me of. You only want to exhibit your power over me - just because you can."

The veins in Shingen's forehead grew visible at such a disrespectfully true answer. Chatter and whispers engulfs the estate once again before the cocky young curse tilts his head upwards, fierce eyes locking onto the samurai as if he is looking down on him, and with that, he went on, "But let's face it - beating a child almost to death is pathetic. You do not have power, so KNOW YOUR PLACE."

And with all the rage and hatred the samurai can muster, he kicked the boy hard on the stomach, making Sukuna lay onto the concrete clutching at his abdomen in pain, and spewing blood from his mouth. Shingen raised the whip once again, anger & humiliation visible by the way he looked down on the boy, yet before he can even swing, a young girl came between him and the badly beaten Sukuna.

"ENOUGH!" The young girl ordered, glaring at the samurai as she spread her arms in an attempt to shield Sukuna. Fortunately, Shingen paused before any harm could be done. The mere sight of this girl however, made him tremble for he is aware of the consequences if he were to leave a mark on the master's daughter.

By the sidelines, Itadori Yūji stood shocked by the young girl. The young shaman immediately recognized her even if she appears younger. It was Chiharu - the beautiful waitress from the local ramen shop, the very same that he met just a few nights back. Kind eyes, and a warm presence - a young lady who is the exact opposite of the curse she is defending.

"Lady Chiyo." There was a crack in Shingen's voice after the realization of who stands before him. It was the master's dearest and only daughter, Sasaki Chiyo - the sole heiress of this very estate and the Sasaki family's fortune.

"Who do you think you are to lay hands on him?" The young girl firmly questions, trembling at either rage or anxiety. Rarely do the estate servants witness such seethe within the young lady's eyes, yet on its rare occasions - it seems the reason for it is always the same.

"Lady Chiyo, I only did what is right. That rat deserves punishment for he has stolen from this estate." Shingen went on regardless, attempting to take on the young heiress. However, despite the elder's stories and explanations, Sasaki Chiyo was simply not listening for the young heiress is too occupied in assisting Sukuna to sit up from his position.

And as she does so - Yūji can only watch in both amazement & curiosity. Gently she held the boy's hand in order for him to sit up, she kneels onto the concrete ground (which earned a few gasps & scoldings from the estate servants), her dress was ruined yet she pays no mind as she attempts to peak at Sukuna's bruised face. "Are you alright, 'Kuna?" She asked in worried whispers as she wipes the blood off his face with the sleeves of her kimono. The boy nodded his head eventually, and that is only when Sasaki Chiyo turned towards the samurai to proceed with their discussion.

"What did he steal?" She questions, her judging eyes looking down on the samurai. The people of the estate already knew though - that whatever answer Shingen gives, the young lady will still side with the pitiful boy who can barely stand from exhaustion.

"This." A victorious smiles paints the elder's face as he present a beautifully crafted golden hairpin. A luxurious accessory that a low born such as Ryōmen Sukuna can never claim to be his. Unfortunately for Shingen, the lady only furrowed her brows before grabbing it from his hands.

"All of those wounds for a mere hairpin..." Chiyo spoke, staring at the beautiful piece on her hand. "If you must know, this is my gift to him. It came from a suitor my Father disliked so I have no use of it."

Whispers erupted at her revelation. Sasaki Chiyo is an aristocrat unlike any other or maybe she is just an infatuated child. Either way, there is no noble in Heian-kyo who can be this generous, specially towards an errand boy born of low birth with no tittle or possessions.

"He truly is Lady Chiyo's favorite, is he not?"

"It is only natural. They have known each other since they were only 6, and besides, Sukuna is the only one her age."

"It is concerning, don't you think? Lady Chiyo cares for that boy too much."

"Unfortunately, so."


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