An idol's death

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The next day in the gymnasium.

Kohane: An-chan...

Minori: She's been in that state for quite a while.

Shiho: And she hasn't been moving for quite a while.

The three of them were on the bleachers and Kohane hasn't moved a bit since An's execution.

Minori: Earth to Kohane (Waves her hand in front of her)

Kohane: Hm? Oh sorry about that.

Shiho: You've been in that position for how long? Maybe forever?

Kohane: Oh sorry, its just that An-chan...

Minori: Your still mourning for her.

Kohane: (Nods).

Minori: I know how you feel, like the time of Haruka's execution.

Shiho: And also, why are we in the gymnasium?

Kohane: I really have no idea why.

Shizuku: Maybe for having a moment, right Shii-chan?

Shiho: Really Onee-san?

Shizuku: Fufu.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria

Ena: Mizuki....

Akito: Is it me or is her state is creeping me out.

Toya: Totally her state.

Ichika: Ena, snap out of it. You also know that Mizuki is a mastermind right?

Ena: I know that, but she was friend, and I....I

Akito: You love her, right (Smirks)?

Ena: (Blushes) Yeah, I do lo- Akito!, why did you say that.

Akito: Just a hunch.

Tsukasa: But you know that most lives are gonna be on stake before you know.

Rui: Agreed.

Meanwhile on the rooftop

Saki: (Sighs)

Mafuyu: Saki?

Saki: Oh, Asahina-senpai, what you doing here.

Mafuyu: wanted some fresh air.

Saki: Me too.

Mafuyu: Did something happen?

Saki: No, just not in the mood.

In the chem room

???: (Sigh), Everyone I want you to live. Stay safe.

Back to the rooftop

Saki: A lot has happened since yesterday.

Mafuyu: Well, its best to move forward.

Saki: I guess your right.

Mafuyu: Wanna grab something?

Saki: I wanna head to the chem room, I left something in there.

As they made their way to the chem room...

Mafuyu: (Gasps)

Saki: No....

Meanwhile back in the gymnasium.

Shiho: Stop being so clingy!

Shizuku: But Shii...

Minori: You to are so cute together. I'm only a single child but your lucky.

Shiho: But she could at least be less clingy.

Kohane: But she still loves you.

Shiho: I suppose so.

MonoMiku: A dead body has been reported. Report to the chemistry room.

Kohane: What?

Minori: Lets just see who it is.

As the students made their way to the chemistry room they open the door to see Saki and Mafuyu who reported the body.

Shiho: Minori, Onee-san, I would tell you to not look.

Minori: Why? 

She unfortunately looked and so a dead body.

Shizuku: No....

Minori: AIRI-SAN!!!!! (Cries)

Airi Momoi, The Ultimate TV Personality: Dead

Who killed Airi? Find out in the next chapter

In the depths of despair (Danganronpa AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora