Chapter Eleven: Heart Monitor: Part One

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Ares's Pov

"If you ever scare me like that again, no kisses for a week" was my boyfriends response.

The next day, after the whole incident with the mountain lion in the schools parking lot, was a bit of a challenge for me to come to school.

Emerson found out about what happened and when Ms. McCall took me home she engulfed me in a tight ass hug.

And when Ms. McCall left, Emerson immediately scolded me for almost getting hit with a car. She did praise me for saving Mr. Stilinski, but she made me promise I'd never do something like that again because she doesn't want me getting hurt.

I promised her that I wouldn't.

Well, half promised.

And when I got to school this morning and found Stiles, he immediately engulfed me in a tight hug while peppering my face with kisses.

Of course everyone at the school found out about the mountain lion incident. It's the only thing everyone has been talking about.

Not only that but some kid saw me pushing Mr. Stilinski out of the way when he almost got hit by that car.

People have been praising me and calling me a hero for saving the sheriff. I'm flattered but a bit uncomfortable with the amount of attention I've been getting, attention that I definitely don't want nor need.

Stiles overheard the gossip about me saving his father and while he was grateful, he was also scared.

He was scared that something had happened to me. Even when I reassured him that I was fine and nothing serious happened, he still was freaking out.

I just hugged him and kissed his head and, luckily, that was enough to calm him down.

"Hey, don't use my own threat against me" I pouted.

"I'm serious, my love. I'm grateful you saved my father but please don't do something like that again, I don't want you getting hurt" Stiles sternly said.

"Babe, I can't promise that. But I will promise to be more careful" I softly smiled.

"I'll take what I can get" Stiles sighed, sending me a small smile.

I smiled and gave the side of his lips a peck. He smiled at me before turning his head, kissing me on the lips and I eagerly kissed him back.

 He smiled at me before turning his head, kissing me on the lips and I eagerly kissed him back

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

We hugged each other before taking our seats, knowing that class was going to start soon.

As we sat down we looked up and saw Scott walking inside. He stopped when he saw us and smiled slightly, nodding his head at us.

I pressed my lips together and fiddled with my pencil. Stiles rolled his eyes and ignored Scott, looking anywhere but him.

Yeah, I think it's fair to say that Stiles is really mad at him.

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