Chapter One: Wolf Moon: Part One

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Ares's Pov

I sighed as I stuffed my hands into my jacket pocket as I waited for my boyfriend to arrive so we could head over to Scott's house.

Oh, before I get into this, let me introduce myself.

My name is Ares Archer and I'm 16 years old.

I live with my older sister, Emerson Archer, in our house as she is technically my guardian.

Our parents died in a car accident when I was really young. 

I was sad but I wasn't sad for that long. I don't really remember my parents, given I was still little at the time.

But, from what Emerson has told me, they were good people and they loved us very much.

Speaking of my sister, she was the one to mourn their death before eventually moving on.

After their death my sister has been looking after me, she devotes all her attention and her life onto me because she wants to make sure I live a good life.

Emerson might've finished high school but she never went to college. She went around looking for whatever job she could find that would be enough money for the both of us.

Even now she works two jobs just to provide for us. Mainly me. 

Our parents might've left us a ton of money after they died but Emerson has been saving that money for when I go to college.

I love my sister and I am grateful for all the sacrifices she's made just for me.

I know our parents would've been proud of her.

A small gasp escaped my lips when arms were wrapped around my waist and a chin was rested onto my shoulder.

"Guess who?" a familiar voice teasingly asked.

I let out a hum and placed my hands on top of the persons hands.

"Is it my wonderful and sarcastic boyfriend?" I asked.

"You would be correct" he chuckled.

I chuckled myself and turned around, coming face to face with my wonderful boyfriend.

Stiles Stilinski.

Stiles and I have known each other since we were young. We've been best friends throughout the years.

But, as we got older, we started developing feelings for each other. 

Romantic feelings, to be exact.

We started going on a few dates and before we knew it we became boyfriends.

We've been together for a year now and we couldn't be any happier.

"Hello, my love" Stiles softly smiled.

"Hello, babe" I softly smiled.

He let out a hum before pressing his lips onto mine. I smiled and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

 I smiled and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck

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