Chapter Twenty-Four: Ice Pick: Part Two

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Ares's Pov

"You let Derek turn Erica!" I yelled at my sister the second I stepped foot inside our house.

After learning that Erica had been turned by Derek of all people and that my sister knew, that she let it happen, I was angry.

I was angry that Derek was just turning teenagers without a care in the world.

I was angry that my sister knew and wasn't doing anything to stop it.

Or at the very least talk to Derek, since they are mates and dating, and remind him that what he's doing is very risky.

So when school was over I went straight home.

And I had one mission on my mind.

And that was to confront my sister about what was going on and demand for some answers.

Emerson, who was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone, sighed as she sat up straighter.

"Ares, I can explain" Emerson said.

"Explain the fact that your boyfriend is biting random teenagers left and right" I scoffed.

Emerson sighed as she stuffed her phone into her pocket.

"Derek isn't turning random teenagers. He's turning teenagers that he believes has potential to be werewolves" Emerson explained.

"How is that any better? Are you not aware that they're still teenagers?" I asked.

"Yes I am aware" Emerson sighed.

"Oh really? So why are you letting Derek turn them? First Isaac and now Erica, who's next?" I asked.

Does she not realize that her freaking boyfriend is turning random teenagers into werewolves?

Does she not realize that he is forcing them into a life that they won't be able to get out of?

"Derek talked to Isaac and Erica before biting them. He warned them that once they accept the bite it can't be undone. And they both accepted it without hesitation" Emerson explained.

I raised an eyebrow at that and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Did he tell them that being a werewolf is what makes them get hunted and potentially killed?" I asked.

"He didn't. But I did" Emerson said.

"Oh that makes me feel so much better" I sarcastically smiled.

"Ares..." Emerson trailed off.

I shook my head and uncrossed my arms, letting them drop to my sides.

"No, don't try and act like what he's doing is ok. What the hell is he trying to gain by turning them?" I asked.

"A pack, Derek wants to build a pack of his own" Emerson revealed to me.

"So he's biting teenagers in order to gain that. He just can't find other werewolves, ones that were born and not bitten, and offer them a place in his pack" I scoffed.

He can build a pack in a different way.

Biting teenagers left and right is just wrong.

Especially when they're still just kids that shouldn't be getting dragged into this mess.

"It's not that simple, buddy" Emerson sighed.

"No, it is that simple. Derek just wants to do things his way and bite random teenagers for no reason" I huffed.

My sister groaned and threw her arms in the air in exasperation.

"Oh my god, you seriously don't get it do you?" Emerson asked.

Our Supernatural AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora