Miguel sits on the couch as I walk to it and sit on it as well, next to Miguel.

"We have to talk about how we are going to work this out." I tell him.

Miguel presses his lips together before turning to me, meeting my gaze. His eyebrows raise, a sigh escapes my lips as I continue talking.

"I am serious... What we are doing is illegal." I explain.

"It's only illegal if we get caught." He explains.

He is right, but I am trying to be serious. My eyes roll as I tilt my head to the side, making him understand that this wasn't funny.

"Oh, come on Marilyn... This is like the less illegal thing you've done amongst dozens of illegal things." He tells me.

"I know but... Listen, I could drop out of college?" I tell him.

Miguel widens his eyes as he frowns and sighs heavily. And he definitely doesn't like my suggestion at all but that is the only way. Whether he likes it or not, and it's not like I love college. I don't need that degree at all and I hate college. This isn't what I want to do with my life, this only feels like a waste of time.

"Estás loca." He tells me with an eye roll, showing his disapproval towards the idea.

"No, I am rational."

"Why do you have to sacrifice things for this to happen? I could ask to be transferred to another college." He tells me.

"No you won't," I start with a grumble, "Plus, I am not sacrificing anything, college isn't important to me. If I could drop out, it would be a huge favour."

Miguel frowns as his lips part ways, he probably doesn't understand why I want to drop out because I have excellent grades and I only have one year left to get my degree, but this degree doesn't mean anything to me.

"This makes me feel guilty." He admits.

"Why?" I ask, surprised.

"Because you sacrifice something for us, for me! And I don't." He explains.

I frown and tilt my head to the side. This isn't what I expected, I don't want him to feel guilty, he doesn't have to feel guilty, everything is alright. I don't care if he doesn't sacrifice anything for us or for me, this doesn't matter. I get closer to him and slide my hand on his.

"Please don't... It's alright, really." I whisper.

Miguel's head falls on the back of the sofa as his eyes meet mine, I can feel his thumb starting to caress my hand. And it's comforting.

"Do you trust me?" A mumble escapes my mouth.

"Mhm..." He simply answers.

And I find myself smiling. My eyes drift to his lips, and God they look so kissable right now. Miguel easily and quickly notices my obvious stare at his lips, and he doesn't waste a second. His fingers run to my chin as he brings my lips closer to his, and I am kissing him the next second.

"This couch is indeed, very comfortable." Miguel breathes between a few kisses.

I simply chuckle as his hand slides on my waist, gently grabbing my skin, wanting more. With a smile against his lips, I get on top of him as his hand trails down my lower back. My hands are wrapping around his neck as my fingers are pulling his hair. His hair, no words can explain how much I love his hair.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 | miguel o'haraWhere stories live. Discover now