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The sun was up in the sky when Xander finally woke up. Azriel's hand was still around his waist. Caging his back to his chest. Xander tried not to move very much. He knew Azriel has to talk with Lucien this afternoon before going to the autumn court to gather information. Azriel needed some form of peace. At least physically.

You're my first priority minxie.
You're my first priority too.

Those words. Those damn fucking words echoed in his ears like the beat of a war drum. Clanging against his skull refusing to get out. But Xander willed them to move out. He breathed in deeply and turned around.
Facing his mate's beautiful face. There was no worry lining his face, no duty, no weight of his court were forcing him down. He looked peaceful. Odd pieces of hair sticking out and falling into his eyes. His shadows swaying slowly as if they too were just waking up. He wanted him like this. Always peaceful.

"Good morning," Azriel's voice was deep and hoarse. More so than usual. His eyes fluttered open. The morning sun making his eyes shine like heated honey.
"Good morning."
"Have you been awake for long?"
"No, not long."

Azriel leaned down and brushed his nose against Xander's. The small act making his stomach flutter and his heart swell in happiness. Xander sighed as Azriel pulled him close to his body. His eyes were closed and his hand running up and down his side. Xander wondered what was going on in his mate's head. He knew Azriel would tell him when he was ready.

After a few moments of laying silently Azriel and Xander set on with their morning routine. It was like they were stepping on sinking stones. One miss step and they would sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Do you want me to join Feyre and you in today's lesson?" Xander asked him as they both pulled on the straps of their Illyrian leathers. Xander fumbled with the straps of his dual daggers. Azriel kneeled down in front of him and fastened the straps.
"No I have some special lesson plan for you," Azriel told him still on his knees. Before Xander could ask him what was this special lesson plan , Azriel stood up and pressed his lips against Xander's.
"Come on Amren is ready for you," before he could blink shadows swarmed around them both. Xander blinked his eyes and adjusted to the harsh light on the roof top of house of the wind.

Uh oh.
Was the only thing Xander could think after seeing the scene in front of him. Cassian had a smug grin on his face. While Nesta looked like she would be anywhere but here. Feyre stood there awkwardly looking between Nesta and Cassian.

"I need to start our lesson early," Azriel said with a small smile on his face looking between his siblings and him. Xander's jaw fell open. He could not believe him.
"Right. No problem at all," Feyre said nodding her head.
Are you kidding me?
Xander's shadow attacked Azriel the moment he realised what was going on here. Azriel's laughter boomed down the bond.
You better make it upto me.
Will me on my knees be sufficient?
Before Xander could send his shadows back Azriel shot up into the sky. Xander looked before him to see Nesta and Cassian ready to pounce.
"Mother save me," Xander groaned under his breath.

Mother save him indeed. Practising with Amren was as wonderful as he thought. He was being pulled apart inch by inch. Surprisingly Amren and Nesta weren't bickering. They just avoided talking altogether except the essential.

Yes, my love. 
Came the instant reply from his mate.
How is the flying class going?
Xander snorted, based on the laughter echoing in his ears Azriel heard it.
I am pretty sure it was going better than here.
Is Amren and Nesta going at it?
Surprisingly no. But I think Amren has decided to rip me apart. I think she took my threat straight to her heart.
It's Amren minxie, she is as old as they come. And If she wanted to torture you she would do it directly. She is just thinking about preparing you as best as she can.
I know.
"Stop flirting with your mate," Amren growled.
The shadows went silent. It was like Azriel knew Amren was chastising them.

A Court of shadows and loveWhere stories live. Discover now