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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"No. Absolutely not," Rhys told Xander. "What do you mean no?" Xander asked him frowning. "Do you wanna hear it a little louder? No," Rhys screamed. "I am going alone and that's final," he pointed his finger towards both Azriel and Xander. "I wonder how angry Feyre will be when she finds out her mate went to Hybren alone?" Xander taunted him. "Less angrier than she will be when she finds out I took her little brother with me," Rhys countered.

It's been a 10 days since the fiasco in Hybren. It's been a 10 days since Xander has been made fae. Xander days were very busy. He would spend his mornings with Cassian training in combat and spend some time with his sisters in the house of wind. After that he would practice his powers with Rhys. He found out that he could dig deeper into the High lord's power if he wants. All these days he was only taking the magic pouring outside of his body. On one day he accidentally dug deep into Rhys's power and manipulated darkness.

Rhys was ecstatic. He taught him about how to manipulate darkness effectively and Xander's been practising it. And he also moved onto practicing with others. He copied Mor's power and destroyed a circle of clearing in the forest behind house of wind. He was slowly picking up everything.

Rhys decideed to scout Hybren's army by himself. He refused Azriel to step foot near Hybren. He gave him a small task about gathering other intels. Xander asked Rhys to take him. Which Rhys obviously declined.

"Not fair," Xander pouted like a child. Rhys sighed. "Listen to me Xan," Rhys told him his voice soft, eyes tender. "When we first reached Hybren Feyre told me that she could feel the cauldron and the king also told that cauldron was begging to get Feyre's hands on it. Imagine what could happen if the cauldron sensed you. I am not ready to lose you,Xan," Rhys explained.

On hearing that Xander stiffened. No body knew what happened inside that cauldron. No body. Except....
"Rhys is right," Azriel told him and looked at Xander. "Fine," Xander huffed. "You can have extra practice with Amren if you want," Rhys tried to encourage him. "Wow. Extra practice with Amren. Who doesn't speak anything other than grunting and barking orders. What a fun it would be. Yay," Xander punched his fist in air faking enthusiasm. Cassian and Mor barked a loud laughter. Azriel launched into a fit of coughing. Xander refused to turn his head and look at the glaring ancient one. He slumped deep into his seat and hunched his shoulders.

Please help me. Rhys pleaded in Azriel's head.

Azriel turned towards Xander. "I can teach you to listen to the shadows if you want," Azriel offered. Xander's eyes shone and he sat straight in his seat. "Really?" he asked Azriel. Excitement practically oozing out of him. Azriel just nodded his head. "I am not coming with you Rhys. You are boring than Azriel anyways," he told Rhys. Everyone at the table started protesting. Azriel had a tiny triumphant smile plastered across his face.

After breakfast Rhys took his leave and left to Hybren. Cassian left to do whatever he does. Xander and Azriel left for the clearing he destroyed the other day. "I have been dying to do this," Xander said when they landed on the clearing. "To learn to control the shadows?" Azriel asked him. Xander just nodded his head.
No to spend time with you alone.
He wanted to add. He desperately wanted to kiss Azriel. He wanted to feel those scarred hands exploring his body. He wanted to feel Azriel pressing up against him.

A Court of shadows and loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum