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Sweat rolled down Xander's face as he sat cross legged facing Rhysand on one of the balconies of town house

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Sweat rolled down Xander's face as he sat cross legged facing Rhysand on one of the balconies of town house. They decided to take his demati practice outside so the if any accident happened no body would get hurt in case he looses control.

Rhys has been teaching him how to build a mental shield since the morning. He didn't know why he trusts Rhys so blindly. If Rhys asks him to jump off from a cliff he would jump and ask questions later. That is the level of trust Xander has for Rhys. He didn't know why. It seemed like Rhys was the father he wished he had. A father who would play with his children, a father who would teach them how to read and write, who would teach them how to wield a sword. It was like that role was finally fulfilled.

"Don't forget to breathe, Xan," Rhys told him. Xander let his loose breath as his spine slumped. He bent forward and held his head in his hands. "Are you alright?" Rhys concerned voice touched his ears. He looked at him through the gals in his fingers. "Yeah I'm fine. Just distracted," Xander mumbled. "Oh" Rhys muttered. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Rhys offered.

No. Definitely not. Not with Rhys. It would feel weird. Too weird to talk about it with him.

Rhys asked him if he could tell Cassian and Mor about his powers. Xander agreed to tell them, since they both could help him. Both the former and latter were completely shocked and worried for him. They knew of course. They knew Xander wielded this strange power inside himself. But they didn't know that he held something like this. But those were not the events that were distracting him. Gods thinking about that makes his body shudder.

After dinner Xander asked Azriel if they could go somewhere silent and quiet for awhile. Azriel agreed with a nod of his head, when he wanted jump up and down in his seat. Xander and Azriel made their way out of the town house and to the streets below. Xander was still afraid. Afraid of hurting someone but he had Azriel with him to keep him under control. They strolled along streets were different vendors were selling edibles for them to eat.

The sweet scent of spices filled his nose upto brim. Azriel offered to buy him but Xander refused. He still hasn't ate meal with an appetite since Hybren. He was afraid he would never do that. Azriel directed them away from the artist corner and towards the other side. Xander's heart clenched at the site of half mangled bridge and restaurant.

They stepped into the street which was packed with children. They were all running around the street chasing each other and laughing gleefully. Azriel and Xander stopped as they saw a group of children playing in a circle with their hands entwined. They kept running in circle and all would fall down together letting out shrieking laughter.

Azriel watched as laughter bubbled out of Xander. His breath heaved as he saw them do it again and again. They made cute faces and sounds when they crash into one another. It was the genuine laughter Azriel had seen since Hybren. It was only the third day. It took Feyre months to crack a smile. But Xander has people supporting him. Azriel didn't know how but Xander has the most powerful high lord of pyrithian wrapped around his fingers. If Xander asked Rhys to play fetch with him Rhys would do so without questions.

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