I couldn't breathe; I couldn't think. That guy screamed trouble. I could feel my heart racing. Who was that man? I could see Lucifer's face turning entirely red; I couldn't think; suddenly, the room started spinning, and I couldn't hear Lucifer's voice calling for me. Everything went black.


Once we saw the man on TV, I was infuriated. This SON OF A BITCH tried to kill my Bumblebee! MY FUTURE QUEEN OF HELL! He's going to pay sorely for what he's done! My Bumblebee was having a panic attack, and I caught her as she fainted. Oh, my darling, seeing that man shook her up. I rested her on the bed, got her a wet cloth, and made tea. As I sat at her side and waited for her to wake up, I got a call from the Detective.

"Mr. Morningstar, we have caught the suspect, and he's in a cell. We will hold him for questioning until we get an answer from him," said Detective Kat 

"Good, I'll be there soon!" I said 

I angrily hung up the phone. This two-faced bastard is going to face my wrath!

"Lucifer?" she said softly 

"My Beauty, are you alright?" I asked, holding her hand and kissing it

She sat up as I helped her drink the tea. 

"Thank you, I'm alright. I was just shocked," she said 

"It's okay precious. I'm happy you're okay. I just received a call from the Detective; I'm heading to the police station to see him. I want you to stay here." I said 

"I want to come with you," she said 

"Like Hell you are," I said 

"Babe-" she said 

"My love, I don't want you near him. At least not without me, but today, they just detained him. If you were there, he might break free to finish the job. I will not risk anything happening to you. Please, my beloved, stay here where it's safe," I pleaded.

"Alright, baby," she said lovingly. 

"While I'm there, I'll send some of my men to retrieve your things from your penthouse, love and give the keys to the front desk, " I said 

"No!" she shouted. 

"I'm sorry, I mean, I appreciate you sending your men to retrieve my stuff, but I have no intention of selling my penthouse," she said 

"Forgive me for asking, but how come?" I asked 

*Deep Breathes*

"Remember I told you my grandparents left everything they owned to me? she asked. 

"The penthouse was theirs?" I asked 

"Yeah, after my divorce, I sold my apartment and moved into the penthouse," she said 

"I understand, my love, and I appreciate you. telling me this," I said 

"Of course, babe," she said 

I kissed her head and prepared to go to the station. 

30 minutes later...

30 minutes later

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