As they arrived Lan Zhan was waiting for them outside the door. Wei Ying smiles at him and even Boashan. They made their way inside and went to the front and took their places and soon the food arrived. They eat in silence as per the Lan rules. Often eyes were looking their way especially at the woman sitting with them. As soon as dinner was done people started to leave and soon it was only the family left. "I hope the two of you had a chance to get to know each other better". Qinghen-Jun said with a smile. "Yes we did thank you uncle and grandma said that I and Lan Zhan can come visit her on the mountain. Can we please?". Wei Ying said excitedly. Xichen smile at his little brother's excitement. " I do not see any problem with that and you Lan Qiren?'. Qinghen-Jun said as he looked at his brother. " I do not see why not. It will be good for Wei Ying to get to know his heritage better'. Lan Qiren answered. Wei Ying smiled brightly grabbing Lan Zhan's hand and said." Do you hear Lan Zhan? We can go visit grandma soon. Will you go with? I did not even asked you first ". Lan Zhan gave him a smile that send Wei Ying blushing and the others just smile and Lan Zhan said." I will go with Wei Ying any time". And then he turns to Boashan and said." Thank you for including this one. I would be my honor to go with Wei Ying". Lan Zhan said. She waves her hand and said. " It is not a problem and stop talking so formal you can also call me grandma you and Wei Ying will be married one day and then we will be family". Her words makes Lan Zhan's ears burns warm and Wei Ying grew a brighter shade of red. The others just laughs at the shy boys.

They stood up afterwards and made their way out. As they walked towards the Lan residential area Boashan looks towards the mountain and said." I think we should go to the cold cave before it is to late". The others were confuse already forgotten what she told them earlier. "Why?". Xichen asked. She only said." Lan Yi". And then it clicked. They walked towards the cold cave and as soon as they arrived they all went inside. Wei Ying complained how cold it is and Lan Zhan took his hands in his and warms it up. In front of them were a stone table with a quqin on it. Boashan made her way over to it and sat down in front of it. The others follows her and stood behind her and soon the strings started to play a melody so soothing that they could only stared in awe because nobody was touching it. Soon a woman's voice could be heard as she walks towards them and sat down in front of the instrument. The Lans was shocked and they bowed to their ancestor whom they thought were long gone. She smiles and told them to stand up straight. She looks at her friend eyes sad." Boashan I never thought that I would see you again in this lifetime". She said to her. " Me neither. Why are you still here? I thought that you have moved on long ago but as soon as I entered the Cloud Recess I felt your spirit". Boashan said. "I could not leave. I now have the opportunity to say to you how sorry I am for not listening to you all those years ago I hope that you can forgive me. Second reason are that how could I leave before giving these two young men my blessings. It's been too long and rare that two fated pairs found each other so early and young in their lives". She said looking at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan who looks at her in shock and so was the others. "Fated pair? We,me and Lan Zhan? Grandma is it true?". Wei Ying asked in shocked. "So this young man is your grandson Boashan. I have to say my descendent chose good". Lan Yi said approvingly. " Yes he is and to answer your question Wei Ying. Yes you two are fated pairs. Very rare but it does happens when two people are destined to be fated. They are naturally attracted to each other". She answered him. Lan Yi looks at her family and said." I am very proud of what you did for this young man. Qinghen-Jun I am glad to see that you have once again took up the role of the sect Leader and also I am sorry about your mate. Lan Qiren you did a honorable thing when you chose to honor the promise made so many years ago even if you did not like Cangse it just shows that you were big enough to sit aside your grievances and rescue her son. I am proud of you. Boashan thank you for bringing them here now I can rest in peace. Thank you for your friendship over the years and I'm pleased that you are a grand parent. My time is up". She wave the two boys over and they kneeled before as Boashan stood up to make room for them. Lan Yi looks fondly at them and said." I give you my blessing. May your life be filled with love and prosperity. May you always love each other. Protect each other. Never doubt your love for one another. Always trust each other and believe in one another and in what you have". And with that she put one hand on Wei Ying's head and the other on Lan Zhan's head. She smiles and nods at the others as she starts to disappear and her spirit fades away. Boashan eyes were filled with tears. Words were never really needed between the two of them. They always understood each other and knows what the other needed and wanted. The Lans will forever treasure this knowing that they got a chance to see Lan Yi in person. It is a miracle in it self but a worthy one. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were happy that they got her blessing.

They soon left the cave and made their way back to the hanshi. Everybody in their own thoughts still in awe. When they arrived they went inside and xichen started to make a pot of tea for them. Everyone  took a seat and once the tea was done he poured them all a cup. They drank their tea once done Xichen said." I am so glad to have met our ancestor. I never thought that I would ever meet her ever". He said.
The others agree with him. "She was here the whole time. Just waiting for someone to enter. But by the looks of it she was waiting for these two specifically. I think she new they would end up there one way or the other". Boashan said looking at the two boys. " But how? She does not know them. Why would she wait all this time not knowing that they would probably never show up". Qinghen-Jun said. " She knew. Even if she did not know them she would have recognized the bond between them. The bond they share are quite strong and unique. No matter how they would have ended up in the cave it was always their destiny to be in that cave and receive her blessing ". Boashan answered him. That left them in silence for a while. The two boys did not know what to say but all that they know is that they were fated to be mates. Still processing the fated part. Wei Ying finally asked his grandmother the question that's been on his mind.
" Grandma how long are you staying". She looks at him and said.
"I will be staying for a week and then I have to go back. Now that I have decided to open the mountain and become part of the cultivation world I have to put somethings in order". Wei Ying made a oh sound with his mouth. At least he got his grandma for a week and then they could start making plans to visit. He feel just happy and blessed that he found a family that excepted him and loves him. A mate who is his fated mate and he found out that Boashan Sanren is his grandma and he a heir to the Celestial Mountain. He got more then he ever could have wished for or ever wanted. His heart is filled with love for all of them.

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