Chapter 7

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"Father!? Father!! FATHER!!!" Spring screeched at the top of his lungs before red mist covered the floor as Spring looked around "You promised you would protect Gold!" Spring yelled tears in his eyes "I said I would protect him from death not from harm" His father spoke shaking his head "Father!" Spring sobbed making his father look down at him with disappointment

"Son. I am disappointed in you, you are so attached to a mortal that you'll outlive." His father said plainly, Spring stared at him "you are aware that he'll end up in hell with me right?" Spring asks making the father blink "Well- your right there I suppose" The father hadn't thought of it this way, now he knew his son really was a little shit. It made him grin, it proved that Spring was his.

Spring hugged his father "Keep him safe or I might kick you in your sleep" Spring said making his father laugh "Don't threaten me, I'll see what I can do for you, for now keep him indoors" His father said as Spring nodded "Thank you!" He said squealing happily making the father flinch slightly "Yea yea" He would wave it off.

Spring yawned and stretched nuzzling into something soft and fuzzy, he heard a soft laugh making him open his eyes and look up at Gold who was the one who laughed. Gold gently pulled him closer "What happened... aren't I meant to be in the ward?" He asks confused as Spring blinked "I- uhhh nevermind that" Spring kissed his cheek making Gold raise an eyebrow "Oookay?" He said confused before Spring kissed his neck "How are you feeling?" He asks as Gold shrugged "Strangely bad.." Gold admits

"Well let's exhaust that energy with some magic tricks" Spring said sitting on Gold while he was still laying down "Well uhh what magic tricks-? And what energy???" Gold asks making Spring laugh "Your powers are making you depressed dummy" he kissed his lips making Gold blink "Wait- my powers are doing this?" Gold asks as Spring nodded "Yup, Now c'mon sit up" he said as Gold huffed and sat up making Spring fall into his lap "Ack-!" He squeaked making Gold laugh.

"Oh shut it" Spring whined before kissing Gold's cheek again "Now.. Think of something you really want.. sayyyy a cup of coffee" Spring said taking Gold's hands "Now we want to think of it somewhere like on this coffe table" Spring said but Gold was having trouble focusing "Uh huh..." suddenly a cup of coffee fell onto Spring making him yelp before half glaring at Gold like 'Really?'

Gold put a hand over his mouth being half splashed himself. He giggled happily making Spring perk his ears before giggling as well "C'mon try it again" Spring said shaking himself like a wet dog making Gold put his hands up like a shield and laugh "I can't when your flinging coffee everywhere" he laughs as Spring sulked "I should've said handball.." he mumbles as Gold would close his eyes and think, A cup of coffee would appear on the table.

Gold opened his eyes and smiled "Hey I did it!" He wagged his tail as Spring hugged him "I knew you could Goldie!" He giggles before Gold picked the rabbit up "You need a shower and I need to change clothes" Gold said making Spring shake his head "No." He grumbles "why not?" Gold asks raising an eyebrow "I don't like water." Spring frowned "Then I'll shower with you" Gold said wondering how Spring had become scared of water.

Gold carried Spring to his room taking him into the attached bathroom, Spring would start to wiggle like a worm "Spring!" Gold whined and kept a firm grip on him "I don't wanna do this-!" He squeals as Gold grabbed two towels, closing the door behind them as Spring kept complaining. Instead of a shower he believed a bath would help the bunny settle in better.

Slowly turning the water on he could feel Spring climbing onto his back in an attempt to escape, Gold grabbed Spring's leg and huffed "Don't try it cottontail" Gold grumbled as Spring whined now slung over Gold's shoulder "I don't wanna batheeeeee" he hissed before Gold turned the water off setting Spring on the floor he took the bunny's shirt off

"I'm sorry Spring but it has to be done" he said getting the rabbit undressed, Spring blushed and looked up at Gold "Stop looking.. I see you looking you perv" Spring pouted before Gold shook his head and smiled "I'm not" he lied before picking Spring up, carefully and slowly lowering the bunny into the water. Spring would struggle and splash the water freaking himself out "Spring! Babe!" Gold said eyes wide pulling the bunny into a hug as he slowly lowered the bunny into the water now on his knees and waist deep

The rabbit glared at him "You bitch.." he whined as Gold smiled softly grabbing the small bucket and putting it into the water before using it to wet Spring's back, Spring growled at Gold as he continues to slowly soak the bunny up to his neck. Spring looked up at him and whined, Gold just kissed his nose "Your doing well" this wasn't how he expected today to go but he was glad to spend any time with his bunny.

When he started to shampoo the rabbit's fur that's when he learnt how dirty the rabbit had heen as the water was a murky grey "Oh wow rabbit I'm gunna have to change the water-" Gold said making Spring grumble, Gold eventuality took out Spring out of the bath and started to dry the bunny with a towel. The rabbit just sat on the floor and allowed his lover to dry him, he would rather be dried then stay wet

"I love you bunny, I can see that look in your eyes.. please don't hit me" Gold wheezed in concern as the rabbit kept the look on his face.

((I'm hoping this is as wholesome as I wanted it but like I suck at writing XD))

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