Chapter 15

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I woke up again but this time I was at home in my own bed. I still felt a bit groggy, most likely from the medication they had given me. I turned my head and noticed bottles of pills to help me sleep and other pills for stress related symptoms. The man who had spoken to me had prescribed them. I was not planning on taking them though. Not again. I turned my head to the left of me and watched as the snow fell silently upon the windowpane. It was beautiful. I decided to close my eyes again and rest for a bit in the hopes that the medication would wear off a little faster.

A few hours later, I woke to the sound of chattering at the end of my bed. I sat up as my friends continued to talk about the recent events and the fight on the boat. Maverick stood up and began acting out everything that happened including Shaki's part with miniature ice people. They did not seem to notice that I was also taking part in watching what was going on.

"...So, then I created an ice club and began swinging while Shaki continued to throw these enormous fireballs that destroyed the ship and then...hey! I see you are finally awake," Maverick said with a smile.

"Yeah." I replied. "I was just listening to your story. Kind of wish I were there fighting with you guys. Would have probably got in the way," I said with a chortle.

"Yeah. You probably would have," they all said at the same time.

"Thanks for believing in me," I said with a smirk.

We laughed as my father came up the stairs with some piping hot stew mixed with venison, ground wild boar, and moose, mixed with potatoes, herbs and spices that were dried from the summer. It was delicious. My father had to go back to the city which was unfortunate. I wanted to speak to him about my powers, but I realized it was better that he did not know. It may not have been a good idea to tell him. Especially since part of this power was that it masked my own and I had a feeling that may be what my father had passed down to me. He was adamant about not wanting to become a Pariah. After eating, we decided to just sit and relax on the bed. It was big enough to hold all of us at the same time.

At some point we would go hunting again. We still had a good supply of meat for the rest of the winter, but we needed extra to sell to the other villages in case they were struggling at any point. We also needed to do a ceremony for the loss of the young girl and the children being brought back to us. I was only glad the images of the young woman were no longer plaguing my mind. I could still remember what happened if I chose to, but the thoughts were no longer intrusive. I did not have any nightmares. The little boy however was not so lucky. I had heard he was constantly screaming at night and peeing his bed after everything he had seen. He would often cry in the night about his sister. The cries had even deafened the ears of the surrounding neighbors. It was strange. There was no sign of the Garwayways.

"Do you think there is something more after we are gone?" Maverick asked abruptly.

"Why?" Carlos asked.

"I mean. I'm just wondering if, when we die, if we go to a better place than this?" Maverick asked.

"You are thinking about that little girl?" Shaki asked. "Don't worry about those things. Just live your life."

"I can't. It's been on my mind lately. I was just wondering," Maverick replied quietly.

"It's understandable when something like this happens. I had a conversation with Ezekiel about this last night," Shaki replied.

"Yeah, he is really into that kind of thing," I replied nonchalantly.

"And you are not?" Shaki asked.

"Of course, he isn't," Maverick replied. "Who believes in that nonsense anyways?"

"Enough of that. We should go hunting, should we not?" I asked.

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