Chapter 3

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The light broke through the window pane engulfing me in a dazzling, sparkling rainbow hue of many colours. I wondered at its beauty as the colours danced over my eyelids and playfully shimmered on the blanket that spread over my muscular frame. I yawned...

"What is this thing?" I screamed.

"It was an opportune moment to enter into the crevice under your nose, so that we may clean you before breakfast."

"What the heck?" I yelled, confused and groggy. "One! Speak English. And two, stop putting that thing inside my mouth. I can do it myself, weirdo."

A round silver metallic machine hung over my head. It was unsightly to behold. It seemed to be attached to the wall but somehow appeared capable of flight or at least the ability to hover. It reminded me of some of the machines the other Pariah carried but they were often quiet. This one seemed different. It even had a small window that looked like the face of a machine but I could not always see it. The face only appeared when it spoke and even then, not every time.

I watched it as it flew a little above my head and I grabbed my toothbrush from its outstretched arm. As quick as I took the toothbrush back, its arms disappeared and it again looked like some of the other machines. A round, metallic, silver orb with something like a camera in the middle.

"I am machine 4536. My name is not weirdo as you have so kindly suggested, human. I will be taking care of you while you are at this university. Although you are quite young and are not a Pariah yet; neither do I sense Pariah blood like the other machines have sensed in all occupants in this building. I am quite sure there are reasons for your presence here. Shall I ask? Why have they allowed you, an incompetent human being in here?"

"My test scores have been exceptional. Are there any other stupid questions you would like to ask?" I replied as I spat the taste of peppermint into a cup.

"Yes, I see. It is rare to find someone of your complexion and without the blood of a Pariah to be within the confines of these walls. You must be truly exceptional or your father extraordinarily rich. Although I doubt the latter because of your wear and your school bag which I had the decency to throw out and create a new one for you. So, which is it?"

"I told you! You, stupid machine. Did I not?" I screamed. "And why the hell did you throw out my bag?"

"Stupid machine? I will have you know that I am top of the line. I serve each well and have been recently upgraded. I know much more than you human. I am surprised, that is all. Who would have thought a low-level human could ever enter the gates of this premise? And look at this hair? If it were up to me, you would have gone out with the trash upon entry. Did you not even think to cut it instead of growing it into that mess? The nerve of humans."

"And if it were up to me, I would have you turned into a table used for the hottest, dark coffee. I could only hope you would retain any pain sensors," I replied hastily.

"Just like your kind. Always ready to be violent."

"What do you mean, my kind?"

"Humans - you indecent, misinformed creature."

"All students report to class now. Presenters have your arguments ready to present", a voice echoed in the building.

I sat up immediately and was quickly washed and dressed by machine 4536, although I fought it the whole time. After this debacle, I kept silent, and to my satisfaction it did as well. It was a short trip to my class, I only had to walk down the hall from my apartment, enter through the glass doors at the exit, make a right and enter the next building behind my own.

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