Chapter 4

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I woke up early in the morning and dressed quickly. I was about to put on my family crest but decided wearing the dragon symbol over my clothes may upset some of the officials. To them, it was an eyesore. After more thought I decided to wear it anyway. It would be nice to upset them with the symbol of my family members; a black dragon with yellow and blue swirling around it. I did not know what the colours were for, but it looked cool. I ate whatever my machine had made for breakfast and rushed out the building.

"You are not to go to the classrooms today, sir."

"Yes, I know machine 4536."

"I may call up your bike for you as I have made some improvements to it that you may find satisfactory."

"Great, I can't wait to see what you have done to it. I'm sure it won't accidentally malfunction when I press the brakes," I muttered.

"Sarcasm again, I see."

I made my way outside and pressed my mark against a small screen at the side of the road. The floor on the road before me began to open and a bike appeared. It was beautiful. The sides of the bike had my dragon family crest on it and it was a deep navy blue. There was some yellow on it as well but not too much, just a few streaks that looked like they came directly from the sun. The dragon was holding a trident in its hand as it breathed fire. I stood there stunned.

"I can see from your expression that you like how I have made improvements, human."

"I cannot complain," I replied softly. "Now the officials will really know who I am ...if they did not before."

"Carlos helped as he is a Technician-Pariah."

"A Technician-Pariah?" I was confused.

"Yes! You may not have been educated yet on the various classes of Pariah. Carlos uses his abilities to create machinery. The guard that you have seen is similar, although his powers are very distinct and should have a class of his own. Your friend Maverick is an elemental and of course they are Beast-Pariah that you have already seen. There are others and some that are still not yet classified."

"I did not know all this. What about a Pariah that can use a variety of powers?" I responded with a question.

"Yes, the Pariah Poder Akhir. They are the most powerful of them all. Your mother and the King are the only ones recorded, although I believe there are more that could possibly exist. If you keep your eyes open, you may even notice some of the students are in that specific class of Pariah."

"What do you mean some of the other students could also be Pariah Poder Akhir?"

"I forgot. I am truly sorry. You are uneducated. I sometimes have to remind myself of that and that your species is sometimes exceptionally stupid."

"Honestly..." I spat.

"Yes well. It is known that only the children of a Pariah Poder Akhir, although rare, can gain multiple powers. So, if your mother had any brothers, sisters or children; if they copulated with another Pariah, in theory, they could possibly become of that specific class."

"Ok, well my father did not have any powers so that is not possible for me," I responded.

"Yes, it is a well-known fact that your father is only a martial artist like you are. The data shows that if he did have any power, even a weak one, you would have been much more powerful than your own mother. It is honestly pathetic to know someone such as yourself. Your mother was unwise in choosing her sleep-mate."

"Hey, listen! Do not talk about my parents in any negative way...!" I screamed.

"Alright. I shall not speak further on your parents although I have knowledge on them. Specifically, your mother."

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